Blight Beta: Known Issues and Bugs

I feel like you’re responding to the other bug? I’ll answer both:

  • The Queen of Lies had just risen about an hour before I grabbed the town.
  • In the case of the Dragonhelm, the stack they targeted had just blighted a town.
  • In the case of the Houndmaster, it was a long-standing graveyard that the targeted units had recently (<6h) risen from.

Sorry, thanks for the heads up.

Okay so I have two dragons at the same spot. They were gearing up to engage in combat with a blighted giant who was about 500 str.

dragon B uses flaming breath to waste the giant and save me the hassle of going through combat.

Dragon B is no longer considered to be in combat, but if I select dragon A (to move him) it says he’s still “preparing for combat.”

hrm, wierd one. I will try and recreate in the editor on monday.

Just to see what would happen, I combined the units, and now they’re fine… I dunno if that helps at all, but figured I’d throw it out there.

Getting the movement freeze bugs in the nightmare game we are playing. once with ents, and one with my tactician. I was able to break up the group of ents, but the tactician is just unresponsive.

EDIT: the tactician is responsive. Have to select a different route then go back to the original.

We’ve got what I seriously hope is just an estimation bug in this game. Shall Not Pass just expired on a stack of Dwarves near a town, and but their ETA doesn’t seem to have been adjusted. They’re a little over six hours away, but the ETA is only a few minutes; about what it would have been if they hadn’t been rooted for six hours.

Refreshing the game data doesn’t fix the issue.

A couple things about the Diplomacy/PM interface:

  • Waypoint flag links don’t render in the first message, but they render in subsequent messages (see image).
  • The Diplomacy window should really use the same click-to-insert waypoint link interface as the general chat does. Copy/pasting back and forth is pretty cumbersome, especially since PMs are, if anything, more likely to need waypoint links, since it’s typically used for a couple players to work out detailed strategies.

Is this still the best place to report bugs? I’d be happy to create issues directly on the Trello board, but I’m assuming you haven’t given write access to the public for obvious reasons.

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Yes @DrBwaa, I get an email and desktop notification as soon as you post here, and very often I update the trello right away.

Do you think I should be deleting bugs out of this thread when they are fixed?

Thanks for your new ones.

Let me know what happens with those dwarves. Thats a strange one.

unsure if this one has been fixed - I think its another client side/ server side out of sync error. I’ve seen the described behavior when killing units with archers in the past. For me the order of events was (few weeks ago)
1)a unit moves into melee with blighted unit
2)that unit gets the “preparing for combat” message
3)a unit uses a ranged attack to kill the blighted unit (unsure if this was the same unit)
4)the unit still has the preparing for combat message
5)refresh data
6)unit no longer preparing for combat

Good enough for me. I don’t think there’s much value in your spending any time deleting bug reports from this thread; if anything having the log here might encourage newer people to report the ones they see.

I was more checking to see whether there was a more automated way to submit bug reports; I always feel a little bad submitting bugs if I know someone else is going to have to go copy them to wherever the report actually belongs.

As for those Dwarves, they fixed their ETA once they successfully took their next step. Thankfully they did not blink ahead to their destination :sweat_smile:

Sometimes units dont move. ETA is shown, but doesnt countdown and card says not moving.

I had it before in the same game. My artillery unit didnt move for 2 days. At Some point I was like: did I set it to move or I thought I did?? But yes I did. I tried to change directions and then after a few tries I saw the movement timer counting down and it finally moved. But the unit in the picture I cant get moving. Tried many directions.

Sorry Looki, I hope to have this fix out on monday. It’s mixed up in a big change that has new rules for all the zombie bosses so I need to do some good QA on the release before sending it out to you all.

Pretty sure this has happened to others, but I had a unit mysteriously disappear, and combat logs don’t indicate it died or anything.

It was goblin woods, and it was a fairly large army I was sending on a “cleanup mission” sweeping through all the towns to burn bodies.

This morning the unit was just gone.

Found this awesome bug today.

“spiked palisade” is a buff that goes on locations not units. The dragons uid number just happened to match the index number of the location where somebody had applied the spikes. fixing now. :slight_smile:

We’re playing a 4 player Monster Mash game. After a few deployed cards and some moves, we’re suddenly all unable to deploy any more cards. It says we have no troll settlements (it’s actually ALL we have).

The (passworded) game can be found here: Blight of the Immortals

Started in another game we started too. Seems to happen the moment anyone has deployed a Kahuna card.

The help information for zombie movements says they move toward the nearest settlement or mana pool, nearest “as the gryphon flies”

I don’t think this is true, is it? I feel this is isn’t what I’ve observed.

It wold imply that if a zombie horde was on the other side of the river from a settlement (one league away, but blocked by water) they would still move toward it even though they’d need to move 5 leagues to cross at a bridge, instead of just going to a town that’s 2 leagues away (assuming they were moving at the same speed through either path).

Instead I think the zombies move to the unblighted area that would take the fewest moves (i.e. cross the fewest leagues). Am I wrong?

I believe the help information is accurate. But! The stack reevaluates its next target at each intersection, so typically when zombies try to walk around a river to get to the thing on the other side, they will choose some other, closer target after moving the first league or two.

Also, any terrain penalties are not considered at all when zombies are choosing their targets, not even as a tie-breaker between equidistant settlements. Raw distance is the only thing that matters.

As I understand zombie movement, they make a decision on where to move every league. So perhaps the first league they intended to go towards a settlement on the other side of the river, but after moving one league that settlement is no longer the closest and the horde will move towards a different settlement.

Also, the deployment rules recently changed so that you can only deploy to a settlement once every 6 hours. So perhaps your settlements are simply on cooldown? No idea there.

I don’t think so. I was able to deploy 2 cards before another player deployed Kahuna in the first game, and then only one card (Kahuna, deployed myself) in the 2nd game.
The other players were likewise able to deploy multiple times right away in the first game, before Kahuna was deployed.