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Here’s an important notice to the developers

OpenID 2.0 Shutdown Timetable

OpenID 2.0 for Google accounts is going away (it has been superseded by OpenID Connect). As there is no developer registration in OpenID 2.0 and we have no way to alert developers to this fact, we are making user-visible changes to the OpenID 2.0 approval page. So that more people see this page, we will also slowly turn-down the auto-approval feature as the deadline approaches. Please complete your migration to OpenID Connect or Google+ Sign-in before the shutdown date.

You can delay these user-visible changes for a short time by adding the following parameter: &openid_shutdown_ack=2015-04-20 to the OpenID 2.0 request, which acknowledges to us that you are aware of the shutdown timetable, and are planning your migration.

Schedule for user-visible changes to the approval page:

November 18, 2014: User-facing warning message may be shown on consent dialogs, directing users to this help article. Developers may suppress deprecation warnings by adding the openid_shutdown_ack parameter, as specified above.
December 1, 2014: Auto-approval is disabled for a small number of requests on an intermittent basis, some users will be forced to re-consent.
January 12, 2015: Auto-approval is progressivly disabled for more and more users, these users will be forced to re-consent. Developers passing openid_shutdown_ack are unaffected.
February 23, 2015: Auto-approval is turned off, users must consent on each request. Developers passing openid_shutdown_ack are unaffected.
March 23, 2015: Grace period for developers using the openid_shutdown_ack parameter ends, warning is shown and auto-approval turned off for all applications.
April 20, 2015: OpenID 2.0 is shut down. A static error page will be displayed on all requests. Make sure you have migrated well before this date.

thanks @16_jhuynh.

Just yesterday I updated the game with some warnings about this. We will be transitioning all users off both Google and Facebook and unto our own login system. All you need to do is a password reset so your account has a password, then login using your email password combo.

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also, if you are not seeing the waring it means you already have a password for your account.

I have experience with OpenID Connect if I can be of any assistance

Oh this was a really old thread.