Neptune's Pride - Proteus - Wormholes

I thought that fixed transit time of 6 ticks between 2 gates was brilliant. So the greater the range, the greater the speed.

As for scan, how about using increasing scan levels to increase the odds of stealing tech from the neighbor being scanned? That would reintroduce the randomness of the old exp, and introduce espionage.

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Ok, what I implemented was wormholes are a natural phenomena at a normal star, you can travel them at a fixed speed of 24 hours from start to end.

Gates that you build take 12 hours from start to end.

You don’t need range for a wormhole, but you do need range for a gate.

I ended up just doing the wormhole navigation the same as any fleet travel, only of the star has wormhole you can ignore range restrictions for that jump.

It’s all done now. I just need to make it look right in game.

I like you scanning difference to steal tech idea- will move onto that next.

Wormholes huh? Okay… I might as well contribute. So:

During delay, give two hours before wormhole teleportation/traversing to the other connected one. Keep defenders +2 bonus?

Hope this is tangible enough to wrap your head around.

Super late to the party here, but what about something like:

  • Low but constant chance to passively steal tech, like something within scanning range
  • Somewhat higher chance to actively steal tech you encounter, e.g.:
    • Higher level weapons used against you might give you weapons
    • Being attacked from farther than you can see or travel might give you hyperspace or scanning
    • Attacking (maybe just capturing?) star with superior manufacturing/terraforming/whatever else might give you those

I’m basically just imagining you have all these scientists and engineers everywhere, and if they get several chances to see advanced tech they’re probably going to figure it out.

I know im late, noob and nobody will see this, but here i go anyway xD

-Wormholes- might be fun if they generate spontaneous for a limited time/place period than disappears again (after all, wormholes are the ultimate expression of chaos force in the cosmos cant be there to our pleasure it should be feared) !

-Scan Theft Thing- might be fun if it steals the points (or half/quarter (do some math fair balanced formula here)) of scientific builds researches you can see, instead of stealing a whole tech in an instant by some % chance !

-Afk/Quitters- I know its kinda off-topic but someone said that wormholes would fix map positions/balance etc and by consequence people will not quit or afk anymore (all half trues)… every new feature should have the fun/cool ideals as a guideline purpose in harmony with already existing game mechanics, do not expect/transform 1 cool thing into solution to everything, i hope someday the game becomes cool enough to afk people standards but not at the cost of those who enjoys it now, what i mean is: do not plaster/square it too much, the diference between chess and go are like accounting to philisophy, one is right, safe and boring the other is conflicting, challenging and fun, (what kind of game do you want?) both logic and creativity are needed, if the line is thin… stick with the line xD !
While the day of everyone agreeds with everything wont come, Afks should lose renown/rank something… if you are afk know that im not sorry for you, but dont worry, you will never see this and the proof is because you are A.F.K lol !

OBS* normally i synthesize reasonably well my thoughts (like the first 2 sentences could demonstrate lol) but the passion for this amazing game obliges me to go deeper into things, so i didnt intended to be rude or offensive (i tried funny actually but failed) but to make a point xD… and sorry for bad english and texting too much (google’s fault lol) !

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