Suggestions; Blight Hero characters

Hello everyone.
As the resident lore freak I devour (pun intended) the little bits of Blight lore there is and as you could see from the large Fiction topic, I ended up writing quite a lot as well.

So after a brief hiatus I decided to come back to the Lore aspect of the game but mix it with gameplay. The idea to add characters into the game. I’m not talking about the cards themselves who are nameless heroes, named heroes who would be in-game and perhaps our good creators could mayhap create a story about?
Blight is an interesting setting, deffo since you could link it with Buccaneers Bounty and Boom, and I feel such a setting should deserve a narrative flair.

The idea of these named Heroes is that you can only use one per game. In fantasy novels you always have the story of one brave king/Chosen one/band of plucky adventurers who come in to save the day or die trying. These heroes can be part of that gameplay narrative.

I came up with two heroes from my own stories but if you would like to throw your hat in the ring, go for it. I would LOVE to see what you guys can come up with.
Anyways, hope you enjoy my suggestions.

King Thror of the Orangecraig

“My people have a saying. The mountain does not bow to the storm, it remains. So to must we remain. But I do not believe in idleness. We have stood by and did nothing while the Blight took away everything we left. No more. I am not the mountain, I am the avalanche and I will come down upon my enemies with such force that will make us stand even taller.”
-King Thror on his coronation

King Thror is the first king of the now reclaimed Orangecraig Stronghold in the Iron Crown province.
Unlike most Dwarf Mountain Kings, who remain in their mountain holds and prefer to be like the mountain and endure, Thror is seen by his peers as a hothead, impulsive and somewhat of a renegade.
He has led numerous expeditions to previous holds claimed by either the Blight or dragons. His proactive nature has earned him some scorn from his peers but his actions saved the lives of many, ranging from human to orc.

Thror was born in Orangecraig, one of the richest and most powerful dwarfholds in Alundria, as the son of the dwarf prince Hralgar while his grandfather King Odin Hralgar ruled. Golden statues of dwarf mountain kings were both inside of the hold as outside, rows of artillery canons and brave warriors protected the hold above as the miners below worked their trade to bring more wealth in the form of gold coins and diamonds.
The young beardling let a life that a prince would have. He enjoyed the best education, drill masters and learnt the secret of the tunnel network only the Mountain Kings were allowed to know. Already at a young age, the young prince showed his unorthodox thinking. Where dwarves tend to take their time, Thror was more like a human and made quicker but not unsound choices like a goblin would, as a result he seemed to gel more with his human tutors than his own kin. At this time he was betrothed to Princess Freya Dainsdottir of Coolcraig, a common practice between two holds to strengthen their alliance and a promise to keep the tunnels between the two kingdoms safe from goblins or worse.
At first the two young royals had a dislike for one another but Freya’s stubbornness and Thror’s pro-active created a bridge between the two that would eventually be the foundation for a future stable marriage.

That all changed when a fierce zombie dragon came from the east, Ragnaros the dragonlord.
A particular savage creature before he was infected with the Blight, Ragnaros came to Orangecraig and laid waste to the stronghold. Numerous warriors died before his flames and many more followed when the dead came to claim the hold. King Hralgar gave the family heirloom, an rune covered axe by the name of Bhazak-khur (Razor’s Edge in human tongue), to Thror for he saw the salvation of their line in his grandson as he assembled the last of his forces for one final battle.
The young prince, his father and grandmother were ushered away via the tunnels towards the nearby kingdom of Coolcraig as Thror’s grandfather led a final stand at the throne room to bide the survivors time to escape.
But the dead had already claimed the tunnels which forced the survivors to flee above ground, followed by the Immortals. Were it not for a nearby clan of Gnomes, the story of young Thror would’ve ended there. Although the gnomes did not receive an official thanks for Prince Hralgar when they arrived at Coolcraig’s borders, a king’s ransom of coin arrives annually outside the gnome’s forest to this very day.

In Coolcraig, Hralgar, ashamed of his cowardice, became a drunk as he did not remain behind with his father to defend the throne and left the Orangecraig survivors alone in foreign lands. Some believe Hralgar fell to the dragon’s curse, a malign spell that affects the survivors of dwarven holds taken by dragons with ill luck.
Thankfully Thror took up the mantle of the exiles of Orangecraig and with the assistance of his new wife and her people, led several raids on the lower halls of Orangecraig and created outposts there with the intent to one day fully reclaim the hold from Ragnaros and the Blight. A full invasion never came to pass as King Dain preferred to wait for the Blight horde to have rotten away enough, a process that could take decades. Thror urged for an assault and loudly questioned the king, were it not for a heavily pregnant Freya, the argument between Thror and the Council might’ve ended in a bloody skirmish and civil war.
Years passed, Hralgar died in a pointless duel which made Thror the next king of Orangecraig. He and Freya had a son called Magni who proved that one day he to would become a strong leader like his parents. However ill fortune followed Thror’s line.

During the first war of Sanctuary, a Blighted Dwarf Lords broke the defences of Coolcraig’s lower levels and slew nearly every dwarven defender despite their best efforts. The bodies of the dead were congealed in a big, fleshy pile of meat, steel and bone. Prince Magni was among the dead as Thror was powerless as he had to watch it all happen from afar.
Blamed with the failure and the dragons curse, even by his own people, Thror divorced his wife and took up self-exile. He left for the human city of Dawnford, far south of Coolcraig, where he took the life as a miner. Thror gave Freya Razor’s Edge, feeling unworthy to wield the mighty weapon and took up the mining pickaxe as his weapon and asked her to bestow it to someone worthy of it’s greatness.

He worked in Dawnford for decades, living day by day, battling his own demons internally as a storm raged within him. That rage came to good use during the Second Sanctuary war when the Blight came as a undead tide to the city.
With pickaxe in hand, Thror fought alongside the human defenders and took out his anger and self-doubt upon the Immortals. His anger drew the attention of an orc shamaness by the name of Frenza who encouraged his rage and anger but managed to aim it like a weapon. During the siege, the two became closer as Thror told her his story. The orc listened and planted the idea that would inspire Thror one day to return to Orangecraig.
As the city became liberated from the siege thanks to the assembled army of the half-elven knight Ophra Elswin of Dawnford, the two became the lovers and recruited a army of exiled dwarves, homeless Gnomes, human sellswords and even Frenza’s tribe to march towards Iron Crown and Ragnaros, the blighted wyrm who was the cause of the dragon’s curse.
On the night before the final assault, a mysterious hooded messenger arrived in Thror and Frenza’s tent and bestowed them with a mighty gift. As Thror unwrapped the gift he beheld Razor’s Edge and a message from his former wife wishing him the best of luck, both in reclaiming his home and his new love.

Thror’s daring attacks and many sacrifices brought about the retreat of Ragnaros, the desutrction of the Immortal horde in Iron Crown for many years. Once more Orangecraig belonged to the dwarves. Thror was crowned the new king of Orangecraig and has ruled there for decades with the shaman Frenza by his side. Many exiled dwarves, Gnomes and even orcs flocked to the reconquered hold. The Alliance between Orangecraig and Coolcraig still hold. Although many years have passed, Queen Freya and King Thror still hold feelings for each other as close friends.
Knowing the pain of having lost his home and family to the Blight, King Thror is all to eager to help any who he deems worthy to try to reclaim their home, either by gold or the military power of the dwarven people.
But above else he still hunts Ragnaros as he intends to end the dragon’s curse once and for all.

750 Gold.
1 x 750.


6 hours/ League by road.

Dwarven settlements only.

Dwarven Order: All dwarves in King Thror’s army fight with +8 strength.
Dwarven tunnels; All units in the army of King Thror may ignore mountain movement speed penalties.
Orc Ferocity: All Orcs in King Thror’s army fight with +6 strength.
Call of the King: Raises King Thror’s strength by 10 for every 50 dwarf or orc citizens in a settlement, depleting the settlement’s numbers by 50. Uses 50 mana with 12 hour cooldown.

Droh-des-Errants (3)


Lady Ophra Elswin.

“Despite the fact that we are outlaws, we swore an oath to protect the realm. We will uphold that oath and defend our honour! The king be damned!”

  • The then exiled Ser Ophra Elswin on the night of the Exiled Knight’s rebellion.

An exiled knight of Dawnford, Ser Ophra is the leader of the Army of the Exiled Knight, an army independant of the kingdom of Gryphon’s Crown.
Dissatisfied with the king’s inaction in keeping the blight back, the half elven knight rallied all those she could to defend the innocent from the Blight.

Born in the city of Dawnford, Ophra was the first child of a human trader and a elven hunter. From an early age she was enthralled by the stories of knighthood and chivalry. When she came of age, she enrolled in the Knight Academy for which Dawnford was known. The academy was created in honour of Dawn, the patron saint of all knights, the female knight who helped create Dawnford. Every year fifty initiates are chosen from the children of nobility, or those sponsored by a large amount of coin, of which only twenty would become true knights of the realm by the end of the three years long program. The training consists of drills meant to physically and mentally break the initiate, long hours learning about knightly conduct and history and many more about how to take care of ones horse. Amongst these circumstances Ophra became the first half-elven knight initiate.

At first her fellow initiates, mostly the bastard sons of rich nobles who were looking for an easy target, were relentless about her half-cast race and claimed her entry into the initiate circle was only backed by her father’s pockets. But Ophra, even this early in her career, suffered no fools lightly and set her peers straight. With brutal violence.
Despite the sanctions placed on her afterward, she earned the respect of most of the other peers (and the odd tutor).
At the end of her training and winning her first battle against a marauding troll warband, Ophra was knighted as Ser Ophra Elswin.

She served the crown loyally for years, dispatching bandits and keeping the people of Gryphon’s Peak save, until the arrival of the Great Famine. King Leopold had to ration food with most going to the cities, let many soldiers go and increased taxes.
Chaos ruled the land as Lords hoarded what little food was left, stealing it from the people they had sworn to protect, as bandit lords (some ex-military) stole the morsels that remained.
Ser Ophra and her fellow knights did what they could to protect the people and shared most of her meagre rations as well. Crops dried up, water was scarce and cattle seemed to die for no reason. Furthermore, the economy was doing poorly and large amounts of the king’s treasury went missing. Not even the dwarven banks giving two infusions of coin seemed to help.
The villages and hamlets outside the large cities suffered numerous hardships as their population went down by a quarter due to disease, famine and constant bandit attacks.

Inside the cities, no word of it was allowed to be spoken and as such none was rebelling. The knights of the realm were hard-pressed to keep order in the realm with many doubting the king’s choices. They were sworn to do the king’s bidding and were forced to be silent on the hell that took place outside of the city walls, silencing anyone who dared to speak about it. The king’s eyes and ears were everywhere and none dared to speak out against him.
But that would change.
Trade caravans were attacked often and despite goblin mercenaries protecting them, many were still slain.
On one raid on a trade caravan, Ophra’s father and sister were both killed. She spoke to the king only once. Even the Elswins to this day do not know what exactly was said but considering the following, it must’ve been a terrible conversation.
Ophra made the issue known openly and spoke on several forums in the capital demanding a reform of government, taxation and food distribution. She found many followers and verbally opposed the king.
The king replied by ordering a arrest on her. Forced to flee from the majority of her knightly order, Ophra and her followers left the kingdom. Among them many knights, farmers and others.
To those who followed her she was called the Exiled Knight, a hero to the Tyrant that was King Leopold.

It was outside of Gryphon Crown’s borders where Ophra gathered her followers to strike out for greener and safer pastures. On one fateful night met a satyr, a playful creature called Silenus and a elven cohort led by Princess Thorondal from the elven island of Oasis, far north of Alundria.
The satyr claimed a Blight had erupted in the nearby kingdom and they had come to assist their elven kin who also lived in the province. Ser Ophra knew the dangers of a Blight and how terrible her people were suffering. Together with Silenius and Thorondal, the Exiled Knight returned home and led a campaign against the Immortals.
King Leopold did nothing and hide behind his walls while Ophra led the scattered Lords into a unified defence of the region and gave the nearby dwarven and elven kings time to rally their forces to combat the Blight.

During the battle for Gryphon’s Crown she was known for her hammer and anvil technique, her footmen would bait the Immortals to attack their shieldwall as she would lead the cavalry to mow down the undead horde from the side. Were it not for her clever tactics, and some even say the luck only a satyr could pull, the whole province could’ve fallen to the Blight.
It was around this time she bore the banner of a satyr on a purple flag as a symbol to draw more people to her cause. She and Silenius grew close and on the battlefield they were always seen together, fighting side by side.

After a long, hard fought campaign the Blight was driven out of Gryphon’s crown and Sanctuary as a whole.
King Leopold, unashamed of his earlier cowardice, offered the Exiled Knight a reward. Lands in the nearby kingdom of Alestria in the Iron Crown province, plenty of gold and the promise no assassins would come after her for disobeying her previous exile.
Sick of the death and loss of friends and loves ones, Ophra accepted and set up House Elswin in the kingdom of Alestria, with her trusty satyr by her side.
Although she never married she did have two sons whom she had legitimized and ruldd her lands as a proper knight would.

Many years later, having grown bored of a live of idleness Ser Ophra left her lands in the hands of her eldest son and set off on another quest. No-one knows where Ophra is now but legends say where-ever there is a Blight that threathens to overtake a realm, one can hear the horns of a Dawnford cavalry charge as a army of knights led by a cheeky satyr rush in to defend the innocent.

200 Gold.
1 x 200.


4 hours/ League by road.

Human settlements only.

Human Fellowship: All Humans in Ser Ophra’s army fight with +8 strength.
The Lady Dawn incarnate: Raises Ser Ophra’s strength by 5 for every 20 Knights in her army.
Call of the exiled knight; Allows a Knights card be placed on Ser Ophra’s location from the players hand or deck for half the base price. Costs 20 mana, cooldown for 6 hours.
Touch of a satyr: Passive. For every Immortal killed gain 1 gold.

Do not trust the Greenskin; Every Orc, Goblin, Troll card suffers -10 if they are one league close of Ser Ophra.


So here are my two ideas for heroes. Please give me your two cents and whatcha think.

Figured I’d do a Orc hero as well for the Chaos side of the playable races…cuz why not?

Warchief Gorvar the Dragonrider.
“Go to your castles and your kings and tell them what happened on these shores. Tell them of the wave of green that is coming for them. Tell them of the green sun that will rise over Alundria. Those who greet it with bowed heads will be my children. Orc, man, troll, all will be equal. But the bones of those who refuse me will form the foundation of which I will build my empire eternal.”
-Warchief Gorvar after he claimed victory on the beaches of Oasis.

Conqueror, Uniter, the Winged Green, The Winged death, Warchief, Dragonrider.
Those are the names both his enemies and supporters had given to Warchief Gorvar. His name is used by mother’s to make their children go to bed lest Gorvar would swoop in on his dragon and take them away while orcs and the northern barbarians celebrate him with a week long festival of blood, sand, violence and orgies every summer equinox.
His name is still spoken in reverence or fear two centuries after his death.

According to legend, Gorvar was born in a Boar Clan and lived a simple life with his wife and children. It was a hard life but a honest and good one. The deserts in Oasis were lawless and every clan was out for themselves and the particular year when his quest began was the driest ever recorded in Orc history. One day on a warm summer’s day during a drought, a Wolf Pack attacked the clan and slaughtered most of the boar clan and took their food.

Gorvar and a few others who were off herding their boars away from the clan were the sole survivors of this clan, his wife and pups did not survive. Despite being lowly Boar clansmen, their rage made them true orcs and thus the small warband went off on their quest for vengeance. However rage could only help so much and after a few skirmishes Gorvar knew more was needed to defeat the Wolf Pack.
They made their way to a dragon nest and demanded justice. If she was truly a child of the sun she would not lay by and let orc kill orc. The dragon Serpentera, a old wyrm, found the orcs amusing, their souls burning with righteous fire and performed the ritual on them. All of them became what one day be called the Dragon Brigade, orcs able to draw upon the plane of fire and use them on their enemies. With their newfound powers, Gorvar and his clan killed and set aflame to those who murdered his family and kin. After his bloodlust was sated, a revelation came to mind and offered the survivors a choice. Join him or die. The surviving Wolf Pack joined and became the first members of Gorvar’s Horde.

In time, the Orc Clans formed a Horde with Gorvar as Warchief, the first to do so orc history. Under him, no orc attacked another orc and all clans aided each other in food and war. In time, the savage human tribes north of Oasis to joined Gorvar. They painted themselves green in honour of their new Warchief.
He took several wives from prominent clans, including a human from his barbarian allies, and sired a new line of chieftains in this golden age of heroes. In admiration, Serpentera offered her youngest son Ferrilax as a mount to Gorvar, her son’s need for violence being in sync with Gorvar’s need to expand his territory.

It was in this time the Trollok Prince Shrah travelled to Oasis to see of the tales of this Warchief were true. When the two met, it was on the field of battle as Shrah and his trolls aided In sacking the last of the elven strongholds that opposed Gorvar’s entry to the sea. This bound forged in battle made Shrah sure that Gorvar was the hero the trolls needed to take revenge for the crimes committed on them after the First Troll War.

Now named the Dragonrider, Gorvar was told by Shrah of the fertile Alundria to the south and rallied his forces. Orcs from Oasis, Trolls and human barbarians alike marched in Gorvar’s Horde, cheering for those who willingly joined the ranks and utterly butchering others with equal zeal.
After a few practice attacks on native human villages and elven forest homes, Gorvar led the Horde across the ocean and began a war which would be called the Second Troll War. In twenty years time, nearly half of Alundria was embroiled in this war with the Dragonrider, a war he was winning.
Rulers who submitted to Gorvar were allowed to run their realms as before and were allowed to pray to their God(s) as well. However if the ruler was found unfit for his position ( Not lending their aid to the war effort or becoming a tyrant to their people) a Orc Chieftain would take the offender’s head and rule the kingdom in their stead.

His Empire ranged from the northern isles of Alundria to nearly all of the north of the continent itself. Kings from conquered realms paid him tribute, thousands of orcs followed him into battle and he frequently held court upon the field of battle. To date it was the largest Empire Alundria had ever seen. However his empire collapsed upon his death.

Gorvar died during the battle of Ravenspire when he was thrown off his dragon by the dwarven Gryphon Rider Thane Brunhilde and her Gryphon riders. According to legend a duplicitous goblin Rogue Lord told the enemy Thane Brunhilde and her allies where the Warchief and his dragon roost and led them to the lair. The Gnomish and Gryphon Warriors attacked the unsuspecting Warchief and killed all of his bodyguards (among them two of his wives) and gravely wounded him before he was forced to flee outside with his dragon where he was shot down by Brunhilde herself.
When his body fell upon the floor, his bones cracked so loud that all on the field of battle could hear it. Ferilax landed near the dead orc and guarded his body fiercely, attacking foe and friend alike who got to close until he took the dead body gently on his jaws and flew away. Upon this his Horde fractured and spread.
In less than half a decade, the Empire fractured and the remnants of Gorvar’s Horde dispersed across Alundria like a fleeting locust wave. The Goblin Rogue Lord met a sad fate as his corpse was found impaled in front of his palace which was set ablaze along with all his riches, family and servants.
Although many have tried, no orc was able to get close to amassing a Horde as large as Gorvar’s.
The shamans however foretold that Gorvar would return along with many other Orc heroes when the day of the orc would turn to night and they would face their greatest peril.

Now centuries later with the advent of the Blight, strange rumours have arisen. In the land of Oasis when the first ravages of the Blight began destroying orc tribes, the clans were rallying for a final battle that would either destroy all life on the island. The clans, led by a Orc chieftain who claimed she was a descendant from Gorvar, fought the undead tide for hours. Although they put up a valiant battle, it became clear there was no end to the Blight. At midday, when things looked the most grim, a loud roar shook the heavens and the field became awash in flame.
A large dragon whose description matches that of Ferilax with a rider swooped down from the heavens and bathed the field in flame until there was not a single Immortal left. No-one knew who this mysterious dragonrider was but he has shown up elsewhere when proud, honourable Orcs needed his help the most.

1 x 2000.


2.5 hours, League by road.

Dragon Roosts only.

Dragon Breath: The dragon will make a range 1, Strength 5000 Attack. Restores in ten hours, cost 50 mana.
Warchief of the Horde; All orcs, trolls and humans in Warchief Gorvar’s army fight with +8 strength.

Goblin treachery: Every goblin unit 1 league close off Warchief Gorvar suffer -10 strength.

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Any thoughts or ideas or criticisms lemme know!

High Queen Valkyra of the Northeren Isles.

“First rule as a buccaneer, NEVER attack ships that sail under the wolf skull. The last thing you want to do is get in Valkyra’s bad side. Those who do wish they got eaten by the Blight. Seven hells chances are they WERE eaten by the Blight and ended up serving her.”

-Captain Cray, Scourge of the Banana Isles.

“I still remember the screaming. We killed as many of them as we could but they just kept getting back up! I saw one of them fight without a head! But the worst thing of all is that I remember her. She was overseeing it all, her eyes as bright as ice cold stars and that grin. That Blight damned grin on her face…I still can’t sleep.”

-Anonymous survivor of Hydra’s Field after a White Wolf raid.

“Our village would’ve been overrun by the Blighters if it wasn’t for that human and her forces. Amongst all of her kind she fights with the savagery and honour of an orc…and the cunning of the most dangerous of goblin.”

-Chieftain Throlkar, warlord of the united Greenskin and barbarian hordes during the Cloudlands campaign.

High Queen Valkyra is the chieftain of the White Wolf Clan and Queen over all the barbarian tribes in the northern reaches of Alundria. Known across all of Alundria as the Wolf Queen, she is one of the most skilled necromancers who uses her magicks to combat the Blight. Some claim she is a descendant of Gorvar the Dragonrider from his human wife Brigitte but since it has been so many generations the little orc blood in her veins would be thin at best.

Valkyra was born as the daughter of a Barbarian chieftain of the then small Whit Wolf clan during a full moon at the hour of the wolf, which the shaman saw as an Omen both good and ill. The wolf was the patron spirit of the clan and most warriors dress themselves in the skin of the wolf but the full moon symbolised when the gateway to the afterlife was opened and the Valkyra’s brought the dead to eternal and everlasting battlegrounds until they would be summoned during the end of days.
The chieftain was not a superstitious man and called his daughter Valkyra after the mythological shieldmaidens who brought the souls of honourable warriors to the afterlife.

Like all barbarians who lived in the north of Alundria, Valkyra led a hard life. The constant cold, scarcity of food and the raids of rival clans brought her up as a strong and mistrusting individual. She lost many of her kin from enemy raids and many more from the cold and starvation. It would not be long before she realuzed that her clan would soon be wiped out. When her mother was slain by a wayward frost dragon, she build a wall around herself that not even her father could break.
In time only two people would manage to penetrate the warrior woman’s walls. Her toddler son and an Orcish thrall who had served her family for decades.

She to was gifted with magic and was able to cast low level ice spells under the tutelage of the shaman. Like her father however she was a strong warrior foremost and as his heir led many raids at rival clans and during the summer season, the mainland of Alundria. Valkyra grew ambitious as well. She orchestrated alliances with the local orc and troll clans, forged trade deals with goblin pirates, arranged her own marriage to a chief of a rival clan, knew which weaker clans to absorb into their own and helped pick suitable targets for the summer time raids. During the raids she would be known to charge headlong into the enemy, howling like a wolf as she is dressed in the garb of a white wolf.
On one such raid her father was slain by an Orc Outcast Warchief and shortly after was named Chieftain of the White Wolf clan. Sadly her husband Rollo to followed her father into the afterlife as he was killed in an unfortunate hunting accident, although some whisper it was not truely a accident since the hunters who were with Rollo to met sticky ends. She since then has ruled his clan in his stead until their infant son came of age.
Slowly but surely the White Wolves became the stronger clans of the north.

During one of the summer time raids on the human lands south of Oasis, Valkyra and her warriors came upon a Blight that had ravaged the province. Undaunted and angered by the dead the barbarians charged both to the amazement and relief of the local refugees. Although the barbarians suffered many losses, they did manage to capture a necromancer before they returned home. Valkyra was impressed by the ability to raise the dead to continue fighting and forced the necromancer to teach her the arts.

The shaman disapproved of this kind of magic since it deprived the valkyra’s of the souls to bring to the afterlife. Valkyra ignored their petitions and immersed herself deeply in the dark arts. Her home island turned even colder as harsh winds swirled around it, the dead stirred restlessly in their tombs and the few rival clans who opposed White Wolf rule soon submitted or were never seen again. The shaman who voiced their concerns to disappeared, some taken in the night by wolves or assassins who never had the need to breathe.

A year passed when the sails of the White Wolf appeared again on Alundria’ shores. Only this time the dead to fought alongside the barbarian warriors and those who fell came back to fight again. Now named High Queen Valkyra, she leads her clan and the greenskin races of Alundria against the Blight with her own blend of necromantic magic.

500 gold.


4 hours/League by road.

Orc/Goblin/Troll settlements only.

Ride of the Valkyra: For every Immortal or Mortal soldier in High Queen Valkyra’s army slain, give High Queen Valkyra +10 strength.
Howling Winds: All Zombies within 5 leagues will suffer a -4 strength for 12 hours. Restores in 6 hours. Costs 10 mana.
Descendant of the Dragonrider: All Orcs and Trolls in High Queen Valkyra’s army gain +5 strength.

Was thinking…a old bug we used to have was Necromancers being able to swim across rivers with undead hydras.
Makes me wonder…what if we had hero units able to carry units across water? Or the air even?