Trade Vessels

Continuing the discussion from Carrier Upgrades & Research:

I would like a trading system using carriers. I think it should be done differently though.

I would like there to be a seperate type of trade vessel, unable to defend itself. Every time it lands at a star, it would get a certain amount of money, as well give a certain amount of money to the star’s owner. There should be a few variables:

  • The longer the travel, the more profit should be made.
  • When trading with a different player, more profit should be made. (Would only work in games with Formal Alliances enabled, or in games with the alternative alliance system mentioned below)
  • The more economy at a star, the more profit should be made.
  • The higher the banking technology of the player, the more profit should be made.
  • The more vessels arrive at a star in a short time frame, the more profit should be made.
  • The more natural resources a star has, the more profit should be made.

When a vessel arrives at a star, the money gained would go immediately to the owner of the star. The money made by the vessel would be stored inside the vessel, and has to be dropped off at one of the vessel’s owner’s own stars.

Vessels would be able to take technologies and money with them, and drop them at stars of other players. This would replace the trading system already in place, and allow stealing of technologies and money.

Vessels would go as fast and far as ships. A technology could be added to make them go faster however.

All of this would create an entire new play style, where a player or star can become an economic centre.

To assist with this trade system, an alternate alliance system could be introduced. There would be 3 types of relationships: War, Neutral and Formal Alliance.

  • War:
  • When you send a vessel to a star of a player you are at war with, the vessel will be taken over by that player.
  • When you send a carrier to a star of a player you are at war with, the carrier will attack the star.
  • Neutral:
  • When you send a vessel to a star of a player you are neutral with, the vessel will trade with the star.
  • When you send a carrier to a star of a player you are neutral with, the carrier will attack the star.
  • Formal Alliance:
  • When you send a vessel to a star of a player you are in a formal alliance with, the vessel will trade with the star.
  • When you send a carrier to a star of a player you are neutral with, the carrier will not attack the star.

War status would be one sided. This means any player can declare war without the other player accepting. Both player would need to agree to become neutral. War could take time to be activated.

Those are just some ideas that popped up in my head. I hope everyone likes them, and I would love it if they were in some form added to the game.