Un-Official Neptune's Pride Tournament

That’s why I was asking earlier about cadence of starting matches, since these are double speed - I feel like I could handle at least 2 matches at a time.

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I can take two at the same time too. Maybe if both parties agree then TLH could allow a second game for the participants.

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Game finished, i won:)

Me vs Brand game finished. He won!

I would suggest Zoquete as an ally to anyone. Strong player, smart guy, logs in alot. Top notch player. I got some luck on my side which helped. Thanks for the great game Zoquete. Next time lets ally.


Huh, I hope Hero is still around…

Ha! Thanks for that.
It was a great game, indeed!
See you in other space time setting in the future :wink:

He’s probably just busy chasing girls.


Sure, and trying on each one the same pick up line:

“If you were a star with a wormhole, I could…”

And no one let him continue after the comma.

Meanwhile we are here chasing ships and stars without worries.

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These girls must be awful difficult to chase…

I’d love to get multiple 1v1’s going at a time. Otherwise this tourney will go through 2018.

Any word yet on the 2v2 entry/start time?

If I can find my old integers, I can set up the games, I think, but Thanksgiving is a big holiday for me and I may not be able to do that in time. Is there another Premium player willing to do this? If not, I may try to prioritize…

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Could we use some web app to have an updated view of the tournament results?

I think some mentioned here could be helpful:

For example this one:

Didn’t checked it in detail, but it has a Round Robin mode.

Else, we could have a thread whose first message just has the games results and someone updates it periodically.

That may help the organiser, to know when to start the next game, and to everyone else, to know how is the tournament going.

I do not know whether phone users can see this. Please let me know. I could post a screenshot instead.
If desired, I can also create and share a cloud based MS Excel spreadsheet .

This is a Google Sheets , shared for public viewing. Set a bookmark for this hyperlink.


There are two tabs, “1v1 match schedule” & “victories”.
Please check for errors and comment.

@TheLastHero , I have changed the player ID numbers and match assignments to be more intuitive, and aligned them with round 1.
Players assigned against themselves are actually “bye”.

IIRC, @Wexnomer won vs @TheLastHero ?

Who won in game of @Smulm vs @Pemberton ? was is Smulm ?


This works great on my Google Pixel! Thanks for putting this together.

Because it is a Google conspiracy ! :wink:

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A conspiracy to make tech that works?

We use both Google Apps and MS Office 365 at work. The Google apps work pretty much the same on all platforms, the MS ones don’t.

Ahh !! I figured out how to visibly post the hyperlink of the Google Spreadsheet, with the matches & scores.
While posting, use “pre-formatted text”.


Set a bookmark to that hyperlink. I can spectate and track scores.

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Yes, I won my match.

So, who’s going to start the new games? I don’t think I can make the time…