Blight? Blight. Blight!

I’m interested in helping test if there’s spots available. The only caveat that I don’t have any previous blight experience.

No previous blight experience might be a plus. I dont think I know your email address to add to the list of alpha testers. you and PM me or email it to me.

I’m also interested testing the game. I think I might come up with some ideas about game economy because I love that part in the games.


How is the progress, Jay?
Hope everything will work out and hope you aren’t facing huge problems.

did you fix the griffon issue I was having at all?

Hi, Sorry for the lack of updates, I went back and did made a big change to how units move and the map.

There were gameplay and technical issues with having a map made up of lots and lots of small hexes, so now the game has a lot less, but larger hexes that the units slowly move between. I can go into what the problems were if you guys are interested, but the game now works more like Neptune’s Pride.

I would like to be blogging about about the development of the game, but I don’t think I should take the time to do it until the game is more playable.

I have a few looming deadlines and things are getting a little scary. I want to enter the game into a competition for the Pax Indie Showcase at the end of the moth. The game has to be “beta” quality. Then I want to start a Kickstarter a month or two after that, Then I will be “launching” the game into open beta at Pax Australia at the end of October. At that point I want to have the game “fun” enough that I would not be embarrassed to stand in front of it while people play it, and should be good enough I can take money for it if people are enjoying themselves.

Here is what the map looked like before, and a similar map using the new hex size.