
Out of interest, do many players use external (outside of the game chat) means to chat (strategy, etc.) about the game?

If so, what are people’s comms of choice? Email, Instant Messenger, etc… At what point do you trust someone enough to offer this option?

technically could use the forums

I have done it before, sticking with email, however I think it goes against the spirit of the game in most cases. I can’t explain really why I feel that way, but I just do. Maybe I feel this way because the ease at which people check their emails is almost as simple as checking the time on their watch, where the game was intended to be played infrequently throughout the day. Just seems wrong.

One thing I do using the in-game messaging is I post screenshot links to imgur sometimes. I think utilizing tools like that is okay in most cases.

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So I’m not supposed to be checking it irrationally every 10-15 minutes? :anguished:

I sort of feel it’s a little bit wrong as it suggests a level of cooperation/trust that seems to be against the general spirit of the game (even if I struggle personally with such a single minded victory approach). Also I think that the strategy is relatively simple in NP in terms of communicability so I’m not sure if it’s entirely necessary. Was just wondering if people do, that’s all.

it suggests a level of cooperation/trust that seems to be against the general spirit of the game

That’s exactly what I was trying to say. Well said.

So I’m not supposed to be checking it irrationally every 10-15 minutes? :anguished:

I know right? That’s why I only play turn-based games now, I couldn’t take it anymore, waiting for the ticks to slowly move.

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I’ve more or less moved to Turn Based myself but I do get tempted by the odd Standard (particularly Dark Galaxy where I don’t fancy the 32 player turn based and quite like the Dark Galaxy tension in “real time” anyway).

I would only use messaging outside NP with RL friends. I don’t have any RL friends who play this game. In fact, if any of my RL peeps knew how much time I spend on this blasted thing, they’d cut off my internet access and increase my meds :tired_face:

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you have have the game email you so you can check it vary often but if you do not while you sleep then you wont get totally F’ed over…most times

plus what i love most about this game and what i plan to do is create games for office coworkers or classmates, Or in my case my family and watch as we rip each other apart worse then when playing monopoly so outside communication is almost encouraged-ish, to at least spread the word around. more players, more fun

Ditto what @wfmcgillicuddy said in Spades! :wink:

Dude, in your case the meds would need to be doled out in gallons :smirk:

good to hear from you!