Cool Screen Capture

Just had to share this image from the finished game “Iota Skat”. My ally Brennan Caldwell was able to take the win by taking a large number of my stars simultaneously (leaving our significantly stronger opponents without enough time to react). This is a screenshot at the end of the game, after his ships had captured many of my stars and my ships were jumping en-mass to centralized stars:

Great game all, it was fun!


Hey, hey, hey - I am in this piccy. If you look at the right hand side (East) you will see a semi-circle of incoming ships from Orange Triangle (me) in a last ditch (and failed) attempt to prevent Orange Hex from grabbing the stars needed for the win… Orange was stronk in this game!

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That’s Brendan for you. Always hoarding Nobel Prizes and the like…

Cool pic indeed.

Hint: Definitely try zooming out the browser (ctrl+wheel, not the map zoom) and then press u. Save the result as .jpg.

Oooh, pretty.

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This is actually not what I thought. You still hit PrintScreen to save the picture… Press u to save the screenshot. It will be in MUCH higher resolution.
Though it is already cool indeed.

Look :stuck_out_tongue:

Event better! Can’t seem to get the whole galaxy on my screen at the same time as having carriers displayed.

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Can I use some of these screenshots on the website? These are awesome!



Kexsel, it depends on what browser you are using. Chrome can go into slightly smaller zoom than Firefox.