Cyclops Priestess: What am I missing?

Thats an option, though it seems a bit… limited? It requires that you sacrifice a hero card (meaning the deck space, valour , gold and possibly opportunity cost) to prevent one settlement graveyard. It just seems to pale in comparison to the Elder and Fire shaman or the Cyclops priest, who can clean up or prevent multiple graveyards fairly quickly and without dying.

Heck, a cavalry unit and some good timing could probably achieve the same effect, and then you’d still have that unit to use.

It would be a pretty cool secondary power though. Maybe to buff the card if the main power is a bit lackluster? (not sure if that’s even possible to implement right now)

Though it might work if she was cheap or free to deploy, and didn’t trigger the cooldown timer, like some of the existing scout units.

I really like the idea of having her martyr herself so prevent a graveyard from rising.

“Any town in which the priestess dies in will not produce a graveyard.”

I have this thematic image of a priestess walking into a town, surely doomed to fall to the blight. She lets them know that no help is coming from mortal hands (the army can’t make it in time), but the divine will shield them into the beyond. With that, she gathers the people into the town center, and no matter the fates of their bodies as the immortals bear down upon them, her chants bear them into the afterlife, even as she is stricken down among them.

On harder difficulties, if you cant muster an army in time, you can hire and send a priestess. Make her cost fairly high (maybe in the 250 range), because she could potentially save you from a fortress of orcs or a human castle, which is a large boon.

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Sounds romantic, but I doubt I’d ever use her in that circumstance…

On lower difficulties, I would agree. I think the human version of the elder shaman rings true in that sense, or should still be the goal with what comes. The elder shaman for the orcs is one of those nightmare essentials where it doesn’t really hold a place in an orc deck on normals and most hards.

The ability to bless a civ population for X hours or so might also have the desired effect. Make it a within 2 leagues. Like a preemptive cyclops priest.

I like that idea… but she would pretty much be elder shaman but instead of costing mana, you have to sacrifice her right?

What makes Elder Shaman so good on nightmare is that his ability is way cheaper than Shaman priestess, his cost is low, and his ability is repeatable.

Comparing her to Cyclops priest side by side, at 250 gold (and 2 valor to draw her) she would be hands down worse IMO because

  1. she has to reach the settlement first.
  2. Her ability only works once.

I do like the idea of her being a safety net/sacrificing herself for a settlement… but costing MORE than cyclops priest seems a little pricey.

If she were going to cost more, I’d want her to like, self destruct in a a really awesome way… Maybe launch a str x attack when she went down?

Or the other option I could see would be that she would actually be very cheap, or moderately priced with maybe lurker ability, with the idea being that you hope to get some out early game to park on the front lines until it all goes down…

str x based on the population of the settlement maybe?

Also I would like to see a lurker for each race. She could very well be that lurker.

Ever since the new card placement rules, saving settlements on the fringes with an army has been miraculous if possible at all. She might give a different option to that (same as the elder shaman)

Another idea for her (or for a new card) is a protective magic shell.
Troops in her army are protected from hostile magics.
Would save the hero from nasty exploding dragons and fear ect.

I’m not a huge fan of the -4 on the Enchantress. I just think its not that intresting to reduce somebodies strength rather than increase your own. Perhaps she could become a protector.

Actually what we really need is lots more card art so we can have lots of new intresting heroes!

Really? I love the Enchantress! She’s unique in that her power scales with enemy strength rather than your own, so she’s one of the best options for mounting a scrappy defense against overwhelming odds.

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Yeah, good point. I haven’t played her much. She would be a great combo with the new area attacks as well.

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this is exactly how I have been using her. I think she’s awesome.

Agreed. Her scaling debuff makes her one of the best non-CC heroes in the game imo. There are just very few heroes that can directly decrease a horde’s power without relying on damage.

The only others I can think of affect both living and dead, so they are only useful in specific cases (though in those situations heroes like the moons shamans can singlehandedly flip the odds massively in your favor.

It helps that I main humans, so I’m not too familiar with the other races :slight_smile:

I’m just finishing a 2-person multiplayer where my partner stacked Enchantress with Spirit Shaman to reduce a horde of zGobbos to 0 strength. Quite clever…


Ha! I’ve always wanted to try this but I’ve never actually seen it. What happens? Do they all die, or do you get to fight a 0-strength army?

I was AWF when it happened, but I assume the latter. I’ll inquire.

The art is one of the strong points of Blight. Do you work with a freelancer to create it?

Straight from the horse’s mouth:

They came and fought, there was an hour preparation period and everything. But there were no survivability stats. They all just died. Gained no valor or experience either.

So great for survival, not so good for powering a war machine…

And a shot of the offending critter:


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Awkward. The Valour part I expected, since the recent change made Valour change with the zombies’ buffs (actually that change was a huge nerf for the Enchantress now that I think about it; might be worth looking over that interaction and seeing if it merits a special case). No combat xp is a surprise, though! I thought anything that ends up in the combat log provides XP to the victors.

Which is probably calculated with Strength as one of the variables, which in this case is zero, so…

I thought you just got 1 combat xp per battle?