Is Experimentation Random?

I’m playing in a game and invested heavily in experimentation early on. So far there have been 7 galactic cycles and my scientists have unlocked experimentation 5 of those times- the last 3 in a row!! The other two were in terraforming. This seems way out of balance. If it is really random maybe I should go to vegas.

As far as I know and have read here, yes I believe it’s supposed to be completely random.

I would love to know what algorithm is used to decide it though!

I just use pythons radom.choice method to pick a tech from a list of all techs.

You should definitely buy a lottery ticket.

first game, i just got experimentation 3 out of 4 cycles. exp, bank, exp, exp… algorithm definitely needs a change.

a co-worker has gotten exp, bank, exp … so far.

This Dilbert strip comes to mind: Dilbert Comic Strip on 2001-10-25 | Dilbert by Scott Adams

I posted this on the G+ page in response to a suggestion on the issue:

An alternative solution would be to decide how many hits in the same thing you would accept in a row before you got a hit in everything else.

So if you say experimentation must give you a hit in everything once before it can cycle again, every 7 cycles you’d take the list [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], randomize that, and pull the next tech out of the list each turn.

If, for example, you wanted to allow for the possibility of hitting 2 in a row you’d do the same thing, except every 14 cycles and using a list like [1,1,2,2 … 7,7].

I think that would be kinda nice, and would lend a little strategic predictability to experimentation.

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To echo jon/Dilbert’s comment, random is random.

If you get HyperSpace 5 times in a row, the odds are still 1 outa 7 you’ll get it again. I’ve played enough that I’ve seen (mostly) different tech each time … and below is a screenshot (click to see big) where I got Weapons five outa six times … but a teammate (it was a team-based game) was our Weapons dude … :wink:

I think Experimentation is one of the better aspects of the game (and don’t think the random nature should be changed) … although its importance diminishes later one.

BTW, I’ve heard rumors that Experimentation might be biased for the AFK’ers … if so, I actually think that is a GREAT move.

AFKers are not cheating on Experimentation, but thats a good idea because it would mostly hidden and could be chalked up to randomness

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Without tipping the scales too much, I’m all for giving the AFK’ers some advantages.

I.e. being able to trade even if not in Scan range, making moves/trading/etc. intra-turn, and yea, biasing experimentation. That is until you get the full sentient AI working and they start attacking players to take over the galaxy! :wink:

But you still want noobs to eventually become veterans, right ?