Mobile Browser Couldn't See Appearing Heroes

In our game, I had a Master Builder step forward from a Dwarven settlement I just took (on my mobile phone browser. It was Google Chrome on a Galaxy S6) but I couldn’t see his map card, and when I clicked on his entry from the settlement’s info panel, nothing happened. I then loaded the game in a desktop browser, his map card was there, and I could click on it or his entry in the settlement info panel to get his offer to join me. I then tried again on my phone and was able to see everything and click on everything as expected.

It might be nothing but thought it worth a mention. I’ll respond to this topic if I come across something like this again. I’ll try to repro next time a hero appears to see if a simple refresh of the mobile browser fixes it, or if it required logging in with a desktop browser.

Thanks for letting me know.

Can I ask, how did you know he stepped forward if you didn’t see him in the map. Did you see him at the bottom of the settlement screen?

There are a few issues floating around with the Volunteers at the moment. I will have a good look into how they are working on Monday.

That is exactly it, I clicked on the settlement or the unit I had just trained and saw the hero in the settlement screen. Clicking on him there didn’t bring up his card and I couldn’t hire him until I loaded it on my desktop browser.

Good luck and thanks!

Did you try reloading the game on your mobile device? I was having a problem yesterday with not being able to use volunteers after I hired them until I reloaded the page.

I was able to recruit on the desktop. Tonight though, logging in I was able to see unrecruited volunteers on my mobile device that had popped while playing on a desktop browser.