New Game Type - Ember Galaxy

Who was Thickney? He didn’t responded to my messages and seemed to be AFK but who knows.

He appeared to lose his homeworld. I think yellow may have eaten him.

Have you met anybody ingame? Or anyone else? It would be nice to know we will have something happen before scanning and hyper range lvl 10 :slight_smile:

I know where loads of people are. :wink:

You’re welcome :wink:

Thickney was not AFK; he just got crunched really quickly. (He was on Team RG3 in the team game.)

Update: the experimentation fairy let me down today, beginning to wonder if there is really anyone else in this galaxy…


Lol. It’s actually a simulation to see how long eDave will carry on playing on his own.


Don’t give up!

Sometimes it’s better not to have any neighbors than the one’s I have it seems… :smiley:

I’m in a dark game (not this one) with exactly one star out. That player has completely barricaded that star up with Industry and it’s unlikely I’ll ever get out unless I somehow get enough scanning AND range to find another star to jump to. :frowning:

It seems eDave found someone to play with. Come at me bro! :smiley:

OK, so I’m almost eliminated here (amusing to me: in a dark galaxy when you have a carrier but no stars, you can’t see a darn thing), so I thought I’d recap a little bit.

After my first 5 stars, I needed Scanning 5 to get anywhere. That took forever to research (since I also needed Range 4), cut only somewhat by the formal alliance I made with another player in a similar situation to allow tech trading.

After Scanning 5 and Range 4, I launched an attack on eDave that briefly made some headway but was repulsed, as he quickly shot up from Weapons 2 to Weapons 4. We were at a stalemate when my scientists discovered Scanning 6, which revealed the only two uncolonized stars in the galaxy, including a 48 Resource gem. So I had to research Range 5…

Around that time, eDave’s ship count started dropping, opening up an opportunity to get another attack in. Unfortunately, it dropped so rapidly that Kimoez came busting through and rapidly overwhelmed my little empire (including my two newly acquired worlds) . (My ally suffered a similar fate at Rosslessness’ hands.)

So…It was kind of entertaining from a “let’s see how to break the game” and “the rise and fall of my empire” standpoints, but the competitiveness wasn’t there. It might be interesting to structure a game where everybody had to research a lot of scanning to break out, but I don’t know if that’s possible under the current system.

Thanks John. The scanning issue is the major problem, and I’d ramp it up, cheapen the research cost in version 2.

I’d do the same with range.

Good idea!