Save 'favorite' custom settings profiles

For the suggestions box:

Add a menu system where premium players can save and retrieve custom game settings. The player should also be able to save the custom settings of a game that they have joined even if they did not create the game.

The saved settings can then be recalled (and edited) in the future.

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Be useful with custom maps, your own and those you have played in and want to repeat.

You would need to be able to ensure it was not used as a way to see the layout of a dark game in which you were still playing. So maybe it would only be available once the game had ended.

Even better if you can keep a map, and change settings on it. Have the game change resources, starting positions and player settings, all while using the same star field.

I have been thinking that we need a custom map sandbox area where the map coordinates could be resized and tweaked and the different game settings (home star distance, stars per player etc) could be checked out prior to publishing the game.