The Iron Throne Is Mine (II)

Well, here’s the new Iron Throne Is Mine Game.

Congrats to crisis for winning the last one :smile:

Here are the settings:

They’re pretty crazy, you have big range and huge scanning with no terra research on a small map with 12 hr jumps. I’m going to go ahead and say that this is going to be largely about strategy and diplomacy.

And we do it all for “The barbs along the back, the ribbons of twisted steel, the jagged ends of swords and knives all tangled up and melted

…link to the game?

YAY! Finally started!

After the first jump.

This too is a locked terra game btw.

hah, you should email me next time you make one.

I’ll make sure you don’t miss TITIM 3 :slight_smile:

Roose Bolton :wink: and I are neck to neck, Xen0n makes an amazing comeback from 3 stars, Derringer eats through Listhimus, Syndicate attacks im most friendly (green circle), The Conclave quits due to loss of internet facilities and crisis calls the game boring!

I think it’s pretty good :3

I’m coming for you Bolton :smiley:

Stannis!! Are you TSO?

Indeed Bolton XD

Lord Of The Dreadfort and Stannis Baratheon still neck to neck :smile:

Down to 6 contenders now. If one more goes down, we’ll have another War of the Five KIngs :smiley:

The reigning king is dead by the way.
Crisis dies at a time like Joffrey did. Or Robert. Half of both kinda.

There can be only one… true king

Much like the Starks before you, the North will fall from those it deemed vassal states.

Facing 2nd place was too much for poor stannis… he sat by a tree and went AFK

Disappointing! It was shaping up to be a ripsnorter of an endgame between Dreadfort and Stannis!

You know, it’s kind of fun to give personalities like this to the Empires. I wonder if anybody would let me make a game of thrones game one day.

It would be fun to play out the battles leading up to Baratheon / Stark / Lannister taking the throne from Tygarian.

Omg, I’m so sorry everyone…

I had literally the worst few days of my life and things just fell apart for me, and NP2 just became the least of my worries.

I’m so sorry again, I should’ve at least explained myself sooner and quit :worried:

It’s no worries @Omnimal … just waiting on Syndicate to finish his turns…

@JayKyburz There should be a boot function for turn based games, if EVERYONE active agrees boot the player (min 3 votes) … that might get abused but whatever… waiting the full term every turn is killing the pace and desire to win.

@Omnimal i’m glad i didn’t have to choose which in game ally to support in the end, your leaving made the decision for me.

If the game was password protected, the creator can boot the player.

I wouldn’t want a system where a buch of losing players can vote the winner out :slight_smile:

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What if it includes the top three players and they’re booting someone who’s a poor loser :wink:

Well, they are already booted if they fail to take their turns. It hurts to wait but I’m not sure how you’d speed that up.