Ultra 64 - Daily Diary video coming

Hello all -
I just wanted to reach out to the Neptunes Pride community to see if I could get your support for a YouTube daily diary I’m creating for my current NP 64 player Ultra Game. Check it out and if you don’t mind, if you subscribe to the channel I’ll continue adding little shorts until the game is over, then I’ll post the entire thing. With a few minutes a day of what I’m thinking, why I’m making the decisions I am, etc. Always interesting to see the thought process of another player from a different perspective. (I hope) But check it out and let me know!

My video description is:
This is a preview of a daily diary I’m creating to the game “Neptune’s Pride” .
This is the epic 64 player Ultra mode that last for a couple months. At this point, it is day 14 as I’m just launching my assault on one of the other power houses in the game. All in fun. Stay tuned for the entire epic story that is unfolding.


We need some good videos out there, so I look forward to seeing yours! I’m curious to see if you will go for the strategic or tactical side of things in your videos, but either way, I’m along for the ride.

On day 25 now - things getting juicy. I’m going to try to release the first video that covers day 0-7 this week. I think it’s far enough in the past to not spoil anything for the current game.

Okay - the HD version is processing, but here is the first 7 days. It’s a bit preachy as it was originally intended to be a guide for newer players on how to win Ultra 64 mode… but I do stray away from that over time. Anyway - feedback truly appreciated, even if constructive. The game is almost over, so I’ll be posting the entire series over the next few days. Here is the link:

The playlist which will include all videos will be at:

Thanks all!

Days 8-15 are now available - again, still processing HD version, but the content is there. What will happen next in the great adventures of our hero ‘Gray Ghost’?

Days 16-20 are now available. HD processing as I type this. Stress and concern grow as the final big battle is underway:

Good stuff! Only watched 15 minutes with 1.25 speed yet, but it’s entertaining.

What if you’re actually the antihero though? :thinking:

Oh I suppose it depends on your perspective. One things about NP is that we are all the protagonist in our own story. I can assure you that ‘Fields’ will find me the antihero, as he never got my help and sent me money that I used against him. I KNOW Nipple Twister thinks I am horrible. And Colonize Mars calls me a “Penis Head”… so yeah- it’s all from my perspective. :wink:

The 4th and final video of this epic showdown between Gray Ghost with allies vs. the universe. We last left our 4 heroes facing an angry 8 player board, all set on their destruction. Who will win? Who will lose? You decide! (oh, wait that is Epic Rap battles… this game is decided already)- Click to see:

Great videos.
As always the main advantage were the many quitters around you. They gave you a lot of room for easy expansion.
Major diplomatic success was to convince Nipple Twister to go north. Slightly misleading them in your intentions towards them. I’m definitely will be more suspicious about people with good communications skills int he future :stuck_out_tongue:
Better stick with bad communicators. They won’t mislead you so easily :smiley:
Game was basically decided around day 24 (if not earlier) and all but over around day 26. Large allies spend all their money to distribute weapons and other tech - which is a big disadvantage. And there are other problems.