Zombie Slayer and Soul Saviour

Actually, I think that would pretty much solve that issue.
Since valour is only granted to the ones who do the killing, and it scales by strength, it pretty much fits the core criteria of kuma_aus’s solution.
I’m not sure, but i think it also divides the valour when mutiple players are fighting in a battle?
The bodies might be a bit harder to solve.

Hey, when you need to suicide your wizard into a flaming Giant/Dragon combo, have him WIN, and then come back from the dead with a big stat-boost and general powers, that “one” is pretty damn impressive!

I like the idea of changing “most zombies killed” to “most strength destroyed” or something like that. I think when phrased in a way like that, it is easy to understand even for a beginner. I hadn’t previously considered the difficulty of killing different unit types, but the strength does form a balance for that so I think this is a good idea.

I think for understanding reasons, “most bodies burned” should be left as-is. I also think the problem of getting a smaller score for burning the dragon graves compared to those who burned the human graves is not as much of a problem. I admit there is a difference there, and some could feel the incentive to ignore the former for the latter (or feel left out because they only have the former to deal with instead of the latter), but I think that is a much smaller problem that could just remain for now.