Hero Changes and Tuning

I think all races without CC need buffing. Esp. goblins.
CC is so powerful that races without it need significant bonuses to compensate. That, or zombie behavior needs to change in such a way that CC becomes less valuable.

I wasn’t going to say it again, because I’ve said it a lot already. It seems like goblins strength was being able to generate gold, then drop boat loads of units in once… and emptying your hand of cards is no longer a thing.

Goblins need some lovin.

Love the new Wolfpup handler and Marsh Prince. Cant wait to play with them.

The big thing gobbos need is a once over on their card synergies.

I think their concept is to be light hitters, but great at gold management, and the new deployment restrictions dont really modify that role. It does restrict on their deployment a bit, but as a fast race, they should be able to use multiple settlements and send the units where they need to be relatively easily. So, practically, gobbos are now emptying their hands into multiple settlements rather than just one - and then consolidating if need be.

For synergies – Goblin Savages is too cool a concept to be the ho hum card it is. Perhaps add the “Rogue” keyword – then it works with the Rogue Lord like a champ and adds a bit of (slightly too expensive) beef to the army.

Assassin and Little Wizard need to be revised too. Little Wizard remains a bit too metagamer-y for my tastes. I’l love to see its magical attack be based on gobbo card types in play rather than just in a player’s hand. Just riffing, what if they were POW 1 x the number of Goblins on the board? (that may be a tad OP, but you get the idea). That way, the Little Wizard’s ability keys off in game play and the strength of the gobbos (gold generation). It, again, starts to make the Savages a bit more relevant.

…or simply make the Little Wizard the third part of the troika along with Justice (valour) and High Elf (mana) – damage keyed off gold in hand. 1 x gold POW seems not too crazy.

Assassins were discussed elsewhere – but a % to kill is the way to go.

Assassins definitely need something now that the bosses are stronger. What if they automatically had a 50% chance of killing their target and if successful the Assassin had a 50% chance of being killed himself.

Wouldn’t it make more sense for the Assassin to have to make a save if he fails?

I just thought you wanted to be able to know that you were going to be able to kill at least one person with your Assassin. It is pretty rough to play a card specifically to kill big units and have even odds of never getting anything from it. Conceptually, if the assassin fails he just wasn’t able to get to his target so he can try again later. But if he succeeds there is a risk that he gets caught in the act of making his kill.

I’d think that if an Assassin fails, it’s typically because he got caught in the attempt. But it’s true, it certainly doesn’t make the unit any more appealing, haha.

yeah, failing the attempt AND losing the unit makes him not as desirable.

Maybe a higher chance to succeed, but you have to make the saving throw whether you succeed or not? An assassin who comes out of hiding risks being caught regardless of their success/failure.

Why, in the high elf and blind justice nerf, do they have both a mana cost for the spell and a 10% drain? Is the drain applied to the value before or after the spell is cast? If I have 20 mana and I cast with the High Elf, do I now have -2 mana?

edit: ah, I see, you want it so that the high elf always lowers the total mana by 20, even if the player buys mana back with the valor they earned.

The new Little Wizard is live now …


I take back all my grumblings about the new lil wiz. He’s pretty awesome and way less broken. I’m a fan.

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I don’t know if Jay told you about the Spider Rider update. It now refunds the Gold cost of the cards returned to the owner.


Oh wow; this is a huge buff. Especially since unless I’m actually playing the Goblins, I mostly use SRs to bounce the free Goblin Bows from Stockades back into their city to make me more gold…

I like this change a lot. The Spider Rider was tough to use once that crazy Rogue Lord abuse stopped being possible; I think this really makes it a more viable card with a lot of interesting use cases.

Although I’m mostly partial to assassins killing on a percentage base, I think another elegant solution would be to just make them combinable units.

It would encourage the player to run more of then and while getting a 2000 str attack is pretty nuts, it still only kills 1 unit, and requires you to draw and play 4 of them, which would take some time and resources.

It also keeps them from being reliable boss killers right offer the bat, while scaling into that role by mid game.

Completely agree – this is a really interesting mechanic and very appropriate to the gobbos.

The Marsh Prince has the same change (Gold is refunded), although it isn’t shown in game text yet. There is a bug with both at the moment, where the Mana cost isn’t being charged (or appears to be taken and then refunded). Their Mana costs will be bumped up slightly too (Marsh Prince to 4, Spider Rider to 8).

Other changes lately (some not in game yet):

Goblin Savages - 50 individuals per unit (down from 60) to fit better with Gob settlement pops, Rogues, Gold Cost: 225
Spider Rider - refunds Gold cost of returned units to owner, Mana Cost: 8

Wolf Chariots - 10 Chariots * 30 STR, Change Attack STR = 15 / Chariot (Total 150)
Scarface Lord - Rogue

Crone - Mana Cost: 8
Marsh Prince - refunds Gold cost to owner, Mana Cost: 4

How does this interact with Rogue Lord? Does he get his bonus for every Rogue individual, or just for every card that says “Rogue” on it?


That makes Marsh Prince HUGE (and possibly the best hero in the game). Honestly, as much as I like this – it seems to stray into OP. The ability to deploy the Prince without the cooldown is already big. Plus, he is a good investment at 540 strength for only 175 gold. Now that you get to redeploy him and get the cost back? That makes him fast, cost efficient and powerful.

Let me just say – I like the Crone and Prince a LOT now. So much so, I am worried my enthusiasm is telling.