
There is another one coming!

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Please be Vampires, please be Vampires, please be vampires…

Faeries. Tricksters and primal nature spirits.

A core mechanic would be that most of them have a “Pureheart” trait, which means that in blighted hexes they move at half speed and fight at half strength. Tradeoff for potent abilities like short-range teleports and limited restoration capabilities.

Vampires are an interesting thought, though. They’d certainly oppose the blight, since if it succeeds they’ll starve…

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I posted my ideas for Vampires in the Blight: Lore and Fiction segment (Where me and others write stories for the rich world of Blight and Buccaneers, Bounty and Boom) so i’ll just copy paste it here and give my two cents.
That being said I recall the old Fae units from the previous form of Blight so to get them back would be nice and nostalgic.

Synopsis: The Transylvan are the descendants of a Alundrian kingdom that was exiled shortly after the First Blight for using necromantic magicks to protect their own kingdom at the cost of countless lives. After the First Blight they were send in a large fleet towards one of the many islands around Alundria but got lost at sea because of a mystical storm and ended up stranded on the coasts of the eastern continent of Arabiana. Arabiana is a vast continent with it’s own many creatures such as the manticore and the land where the powerful Genie’s can be found.
The people who would found Transylvan managed to make a few settlements but were beset on all sides by foreign creatures and nations such as the Van Xian Empire and the Arabiana’ Sultanas. Desperate to survive the settlers scattered to the dark lands to the east where their enemies could not follow. It was a land where the sun never quite penetrates the clouds, the trees are pitch black and the sense of dread hangs around constantly. The locals dubbed this land Transylvan.
When one Van Xian warlord was brave enough he marched his army of terracotta soldiers to the land to wipe out the invaders. Many moons passed before he returned…as the leader of a army made of the undead along with his vampiric masters.
The scared settlers from before have been changed from when they were last seen. Corrupted, frightening and fearless.
Among their number are the undead, werewolves, fearless men and of course the Vampires. A host of death, more sophisticated than a Blighted Horde.
Now Transylvan is the third major power in Arabiana and has fought both the Sultanas and the Van Xian to a stalemate. In this ceasefire of sorts the Transylvan’s have turned their eye back to their homeland of Alundria which has been weakened severely by the Blight…

Black Sun Hero Cards.

Transylvan Warriors.
Art: Similar to that of the Human Warrior but clad in darker armour and slightly paler skin.
Fluff: Do not underestimate a man who has no fear of death, for who has nothing left to lose.
Powers: None.
Rating; Common. (Can be trained at Transylvan settlements).
Unit: 500. (50 x 10)
Speed: 4 hours by road.

Undead warriors.
Art; A undead version of the Transylvan Warrior, more skeletal now.
Fluff; Death is not a ending but a beginning.
Powers; After a Transylvan warrior dies there is a 75 percent change he is converted to a Undead warrior.
Rating; Common.
Unit: NA.
Speed; 4 hours by road.

Transylvan Riders.
Art; A light rider on a brown horse, much like the Knight.
Fluff; Much like Alundrian Knights, Transylvan riders have not forgotten how to ride a horse.
Powers; None.
Rating; Common.
Unit; 400 (20 x 20)
Speed; 3 hours by road.

Vampire Commander
Art; A pale, red skinned eye vampire in armour, leaning on a blood covered sword.
Fluff; "I thirst for blood. You there oaf, fetch me that one! He looks very ripe…"
Powers: Undead Overseer. Gives all Transylvan units in the Vampire Commander’s army a +5 Strength.
Rating; Common.
Unit; 1 x 200.
Speed; 3 hours by road.

Art: Stereotypical witch with the broom and cat, except more beautiful and mysterious looking.
Fluff; "The night sings to me, listen to the music it makes…"
Powers: Black magic. Ranged attack within a 2 league area suffer a Strength attack of 8 where X is the population of Witches
Rating Common.
Unit: 100 x 1.
Speed; 3 hours by road.

Corpse Wagon.
Art: A shady looking man on a black carriage, a banner of a Black sun behind him as several caskets are behind that.
Fluff: A steady supply of fresh corpses is needed to supply the war effort. As such Corpse Wagons are the mainstay of a Transylvan army.
Power: You may deploy Transylvan cards on the Corpse Wagon. The population will be drawn from the nearest settlement.
Rating: Common.
Unit: 150, 1 x 150.
Speed: 4 hours by road.

Art; a more Eastern European looking version of our Necromancer. Or re-use Necromancer art but have him more human looking.
Fluff; Among the settlers to Arabiana were several Necromancers who fled Alundria after the First Blight. Where in Alundria they are hated, in Transylvan they were the people’s only chance of survival.
Power; Necromancy. Can summon half a graveyard worth of undead as Undead Warriors or one unit from a Corpse Wagon every 16 hours.
Rating: Common.
Unit: 1 x 50.
Speed; 4 hours by road.

Art; That of a pack of werewolves charging/ripping a Blighted immortal apart.
Fluff; Among the darker magicks that saved the Alundrian settlers was that of the curse of the wolf. Every nightfall these cursed transform into their bestial form and only by the grace of the vampire lords do they keep their sentience.
Power; None.
Unit: 700. (10 x 70 )
Rating; Uncommon.
Speed; 3 hours by road.

Black Knights.
Art; That of a knight, completely covered in black riding a black steed. The shield has a black sun as it’s crest.
Fluff: Some of Transylvans nobility send their sons and daughters to become Black Knights, vassals of the Vampire counts. Whenever they charged into battle, morale drops to all. Even the undead.
Power; Eyes of evil, All Immortals in 1 league area lose -5 Strength for 8 hours.
Unit: 650. 50 x 13.
Rating; Uncommon.
Speed: 4 hours by road.

Manticore riders.
Art: A eastern looking woman riding a manticore, a needle shooting from it’s tail as she rides to the reader.
Fluff; Generations of being in Arabiana has given the Transylvans a chance to domesticate the local wildlife. Thanks to the vampire charms these once very hostile predators now serve as proud mounts.
Power: Manticore pikes, Strength X to 10 attack where X is the population of Manticore riders.
Unit: 480, 20 x 24.
Rating; Uncommon.
Speed; 3 hours by road.

Art; Frankenstein’s monster looking creature, the stitched body parts stuck together thing not the Boris Karlof version.
Fluff: "Kill. Destroy. Eat"
Power; Enrage. Gain 2 x strength for 24 hours.
Unit: 640, 40 x 16.
Rating; Uncommon.
Speed: 6 hours by road.

Vampire Count.
Art; A well dressed lord looking man with pale skin, blood red eyes drinking from a cup.
Fluff; The Vampire counts are akin to kings in Alundria. They run Transylvan settlements demand taxes and sacrifices when needed. The more benevolent counts tend to drink the blood from their enemies rather than their own.
Power: The thirst of blood, select one unit (mortal or Immortal). This unit suffers a ranged attack equal to the Count’ strength. When a unit is consumed, the Count gains +5 strength.
Rating; Uncommon.
Speed; 3 hours.

Vampiric Bat Riders.
Art; Vampires in armour riding on large bats.
Fluff; Only the Vampires can domesticate the giant bats on both Alundria and Arabiana. These creature’ thirst for blood is just as large as that of their masters.
Power; None. (Can only be deployed at Bat nests)
Unit: 5 X 2500.
Rating; Rare.
Speed: 2.5 hours flying.

Giant Bat
Art; Like it says on the tin.
Fluff; The last thing it’s victims often hear is the loud screech that freezes the blood and freezes the mind.
Power; None.
Unit; 350 x1.
Raiting; Rare.
Speed; 2.5 hours flying.

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Guest of Honor: 12 Mana. Draw a random Royalty card from your deck. You may play a Royalty card at this Hero’s location without paying the normal gold cost. Recharges in 21h.

Is this ability feasible to implement?

Also, are there currently any cards with abilities related to the Warrior type?


I assume so, considering we’ve already got similar abilities for Rogues and Mages.

I don’t believe so, but clearly there’s an idea of adding some down the road.

The rest of this got wayyyy too long, so I put it in a more appropriate thread. Have a look! Short version: three new Hero ideas to make a “horde” strategy a bit more appealing for the Goblins (and thereby perhaps make the Goblins more appealing to new players).

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Right now, combat experience is utterly irrelevant to something like 80% of the cards in the game. Also, I miss having veteran wizards who’ve survived all game and can now take down small armies in melee by themselves. How about this:

-Mortal heroes get “Heroic Experience”, giving them +10 strength per battle.
-Gryphons and Spiders get “Monstrous Experience”, +20 per battle.
-Giants, Ents, Hydra and Dragons get “Legendary Experience”, +50 per battle.

-Experience is also gained when the unit activates an ability that costs mana.

This buff would benefit Elf and Goblin factions more than others, but there’s a tradeoff- having to choose between the “merge new base units under the experienced one” tactic and the “fire-merge-fire” tactic, since fully leveraging one can come at the cost of the other. That, and it’s still not like they’ll be competing with other factions for cost-effective melee combat power.


I’d have Woodland Bard, Pirate Captain and any similar cards summon a random (type) from your deck or hand, rather than just your deck.

My personal experience is that I frequently end up with no cards of the right type left in my deck, while still having one or more in my hand. Would prevent the cards from becoming useless quite so early, and allow combos with spider rider.

Alternate solution (I’m using this in one of the Faerie faction cards, forget if the Centaurs had any): Reworked versions of these cards where the ability is “Draw a random [type] card from your deck. You may play a [type] card at this unit’s location without paying its gold cost.”

Separate suggestion: Beyond their ability to expand and blight undefended settlements Undead Goblins are basically never a threat. One simple way to change that could be if they’ll group up with other types of undead? No Undead Lord required.

My first thought was some kind of mechanic for stealing gold out of player’s coffers, but that’d be trickier to make work.

This is my first time using the IHG forum so I’m more than a little behind on reading all of the 230+ suggestions. So tell me if anything I’m about to say has already been suggested.

  1. A game mode where after defeating the zombies, you have to defeat the other players as well. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen someone request a pvp game mode, but I’m guessing that’s been avoided in order to preserve the original purpose of the game: fighting zombies. I feel this is a good balance between the desires of the developer and the desires of the players. It also adds of level of difficulty to the game because you can’t go all out to finish off the undead as once they’re defeated you must have enough of an army to contend with the other empires. All players would get hero coins for defeating the zombies, but the one who defeats the other players gets extra.

  2. I’m not certain if the titles on the cards actually have an effect on the game, but they should. A Mortal Human Warrior like the Swordsmen and the Marshall should go into battle before and Mortal Human Mage
    like the Wizard and Blind Justice. It seems unrealistic and more than a little frustrating when someone who in battle would usually be behind the front lines somehow dies while those who would usually be at the front survive. The order im thinking is Giant/Ent/Spider/Hydra>Warrior>Rogue/Miner>Hunter/Archer>Noble/Merchant>Mage/Shaman>Royalty> Lurker>Griffon/Dragon
    If this is implemented I’d also suggest reclassifying some cards like Artillery, which is currently a Warrior, into something in line with Archer

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  1. I think this will not work that well. Not only would this result in people working together less because they want the other to be in a terrible state at the end of the game (no asking for quick money or sharing resources for any other reason), but there will also be grounds for unfair play (like using a card that enhance orc Immortals to disadvantage a human player) and the general unfairness of the initial horde going for one player. Not only would that player be at a huge disadvantage at the end, the others might not come to their aid and it’s not just a matter of holding the hordes off long enough.
    This is of course the worst scenario assuming terrible people are playing with you, but I think that it may happen at times, or at least that people will suspect and accuse one another of it when it becomes part of the game.

  2. It does have merit, but it would be quite a lot more taxing and confusing. Right now there’s just str mortals vs str immortals and the chance death is rolled for all units equally. If such a new system would be implemented, it would make things more difficult to do program-wise. Not having a blind justice in your army to prevent her dying seems more like a logical thing than adding this.

  1. I’m actually counting on the terrible people that play. Even more so on devious minds who make it seem like they’re helping but really have different goals. It introduces the interesting aspect of deception to the game. You won’t trust anyone completely and therefore the game will be harder. I love Blight, but it’s really easy to win as it is on multiplayer. You can almost always rely on the other players to pull through even if you aren’t able to and you never have to worry about the sacrifices you’re making because you know it won’t matter once the game ends. You’re thinking like, well, a player. A game mode where you can instead think like a Lord or King or Chief would spice things up. You actually have to preserve the lives of your people because the time will come when you need them for fighting those just as smart and strong as you. You’ll be thinking like a leader of Alundria, a war torn region filled with different races and factions all vying for control, temporarily united by the coming of the Blight but bound to return to previous schemes. Old habits die hard. Of course, this would be just a game mode, not all games, and I imagine only higher level players would take part.

  2. This is more catered to units like the Elven Prince and Princess or the Wizard, who often have to be with their armies in order to be effective. Blind Justice, High Elf, and a couple other relatively long range units are outliers. A lot of the time it’s impossible or inconvenient to not have an important hero with your army and it’s a little ridiculous when they die and everyone else survives, particularly if it’s a small battle that wasn’t supposed to mean anything. In a real battle they wouldn’t have the same level of risk as a common footsoldier. Heroes like Mighty General and Stout General notwithstanding because even in their depictions they are leading the charge, but they are already classified as ‘Warrior’ so it still works out.

  1. True, if it’s not all games then it would be a good addition for when people feel up to it.

  2. Might make things a bit too easy, but also as I said it would be a lot more complicated. I don’t know how much, but from what I’ve understood all these Blight games are processed on a single admin’s computer so I’m not sure if making their calculations more complicated and the games bigger is a great idea of them. Though I can be dead wrong about that computer thing, though.

I don’t know anything about the single computer thing, but I don’t think it would be much more complicated. All the damage would be calculated the same way, the units would just die in a certain order rather than just randomly. As for making it too easy, keep in mind it wouldn’t affect all heroes, just ones that wouldn’t take part in the initial fray if the battle were actually real. So the Desert Maiden, Vicious Sergeant, Mighty General, Stout General, etc. would all have the same risk as their soldiers, but the Elven Princess, Blind Justice, Wizard, and others like them would not. It’s also worth noting that it’d be the same for the Undead Lords, which would eliminate the random luck that occasionally ends up killing an otherwise unkillable one when a small mortal force fights a much larger immortal one

Hey @RisenSlayer. Thanks for your notes and ideas! Sorry its taken me a couple of weeks to get back on the forums to read them!

One: An interesting fun fact, in the prototype for Blight we developed back in 2010, there was a game PVP mode where people could fight each other and and the zombies as well. We were trying to make a more traditional 4x strategy game, but with the large threat of the zombies that the players would have to co-operate to defeat. Think Game of Thrones with the White Walkers coming down from the north.

When we started this new version we decided we wanted to “all in” on the co-op, so started designing powers and mechanics that might be unfair or unbalanced or just not fun if played in PVP.

So for example, the the artillery can be fired as soon as its in rage and does its damage instantly. This is satisfying and fun in Co-OP but in A PVP game this would force players login and fire them as soon as they were in rage. It would be a race to see who could click the button the fastest after the moment tick.

Two: I agree with the wizards and things in combat. And I will admit I have separated out my wizards, or sent them out of a town I was defending just so there was no risk of them being killed.

I’m not sure it should be based on the cards title, perhaps players could just be able to choose which characters should stay out of the combat some how.

Would it be possible to implement the following suggestions for a game admin?

  • Have the day/time bar background be a different color when paused, or include the word “Paused”, or some other indication other than the clock not ticking
  • In the game admin options, have a button to “pause for X hours” in addition to the toggle pause
  • Also in the game admin options, have a “Pause every night for X hours” or “Only run the game between these hours” that can be configured by the admin

I’ve only been playing for about a month and love it so far, so apologies in advance if stuff like this has been requested in this thread that I skimmed through. Thanks!

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I’ve been playing with flamabeconcrete, and this game is awesome. I’ve been looking for an asychronous cooperative muiltiplayer game for my phone for… years. And this game is fantastic. I have no idea how I haven’t heard about this game before, but you’re awesome for making it.

My suggestions:
-Static heralds that carry over from game to game!! I play with the same group of friends each game, and it would be great to just know who was who, instead of having to click on them!! Also I like my herald to look a certain way, it gets old to have to change it when a new game starts.

-Give an option for the admin to run the game at 1.X speed.

-Give me an option to have the chat that happens in the chat window send me push notices on my phone. We’ve created a whole separate chat room for our games, because we want to be able to tell each other important, timely stuff, and the game doesn’t work for that (“dude! move your army, you’re going to die!”, etc.)


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Sorry for taking 2 weeks to check out your posts. Its great to hear you guys have been enjoying the game!

Great suggestions!

Hope to see you guys in game some time!

Just some aesthetic suggestions.
Could we perhaps have some snow levels? It would be a nice difference from green and sand tiles.
Maybe moving through snow slows troops down and perhaps you start losing units due to frost if they aren’t in villages or cities?

Just some ideas :slight_smile:

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I hadn’t thought of how annoying it would be racing other players to click first. I still think it would be nice to have that game mode as an option for more experienced players though. It’d be tense, frustrating, and difficult, but that level of challenge would be a good change of pace for people who find the regular co-op modes a bit too easy.

Being able to choose which characters participated in combat would be cool, but I was thinking something more along the lines of just preventing certain cards from being killed first. They’d still be at risk of being killed, but only when the main army as well as other front line heroes are defeated.

I’m no programmer or game developer so I don’t know how complicated these things would be to implement or if they contrast too much with your goals for the game, but they’re just some suggestions

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