Account Deletion Procedure

Hey @JayKyburz

So, google play has removed the NPA app from the play store. In order to re-list the app, I need to re-do the privacy statement in accordance with their new rules, and that requires a link to either an account deletion page or a link to a page that explains how to delete their account.

Presumably, so far, the process has just been to send you an email, but I don’t want to go and host a page stating that and have it either be wrong now, or be wrong in the future as changes happen.

Would it be possible to get an official step-by-step on how account deletion works so that I can get this app back up and running?

FYI, looks like the app is currently running on 117 devices, and the top peak (before being removed and presumably warning users that “I did a bad thing (allegedly)” resulting in a series of uninstalls) was approximately 164. So, on behalf of all of those users, thanks for the awesome game :smiley:

Mkay. So, no response in a while. I just made a page that says to contact your email. Hopefully this works for you.

The app is back up.