#BRINGBACK64! (64 Game Resurrection Petition)

I contacted Smulm to see if he wanted in. Unfortunately he is not in a condition where he can return back to NP. Thank you Smulm for inviting me to start this petition with you, and I hope you get better. I also heard from him that the Communion of Minds might be coming back for a try…

The first 64p filled up in 10 hours after game creation.


Let hope the server doesn’t crash!


So good to see them back

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The second 64p filled up in 31 hours after game creation.

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Guys… we need to talk…

All the ones I’ve been in so far pretty good involvement. Very few afk players.

same here.

Psi Chertan (one of the most recent) had 25% drop out or inactive before production 4.

The first couple were ok but unsurprisingly 64p has not waved a magic wand at the dropouts.