Chrome Extension - Neptune's Pride Agent

Chrome Only: v2.1.0.1 which was intended to be a hotfix for a bug where when you’re typing in messages with the realtime clock displayed it switches you away when you press a hotkey, was instead a botched zip file which means that the extension doesn’t load at all.

v2.1.0.2 is up for review on the Chrome store and if you’re lucky you will go from 2.1.0 to directly and not see an issue, but this depends on approval times and auto update times on your browser.

If you have the problem, you can uninstall and reinstall the extension and that will fix it by forcibly updating you to It should auto update fairly promptly, too.

For avoidance of errors, I made exactly the same as 2.1.0. So it has the bug, which is that if you’re typing a message and have the live clock running for production countdown (the default) it will lose focus on every 29th second (that is every time the clock shows HH:MM:29) and the next time you type a hotkey it will navigate away. Workarounds: You can set the time to some other format (using %) or you can return to the message thread and your text will still be there. If you were composing a brand new message you have to return to it by going to the messages view and choosing the new message option, you cannot get there from an empire page.

I will upload a proper hotfix shortly.

My sincere apologies for taking what was intended to be a low risk high-priority bugfix and turning it into a disaster. It’s the first time I’ve tried to patch stable out of sequence and my process was incorrect.


Chrome v2.1.0.3 is now up which fixes all the issues. No need for workarounds for messages. If you’re the luckiest, you’ll go from 2.1.0 → and see only improvements.

My apologies again. My scripts are fixed such that this error should never reoccur. Maybe someday my code won’t contain bugs and we can be reallly happy :wink:


Hey Osric!

First of all thanks for putting in the time and effort to create a tool like this! <3

I’ve generated my api key now. So how do I access the history or things like star ownership changes?

I think it is hard to get a good intuitive start because the help/hotkeys are hidden in the controls.

The controls panel is the most confusing one. I think because there are no groups or explanations.

Kind regards,

To my horror I discovered recently that the help is accessible only from the ? hotkey and not from the dropdown :smiley: - but if you press ? you’ll get a brief description of every function along with its hotkey. The Controls screen is just an awful hack to make it possible to operate the extension on mobile.

All the reports are accessible from the dropdown that is at the top of the screen when you choose the NP Agent menu item. Ownership reports and activity reports are only in the current alpha channel (v2.2.7 and later) and will be populated from the time you generated your API key forward. Very possibly this is buggy as it’s brand new code and I’d appreciate any bug reports! I normally access these reports via their hotkeys ; (semicolon followed by backtick) or :.

I’ll make the help more accessible and write some better help too, as this seems to be the #1 missing feature right now :smiley:


Any chance you have plans to port this to NP4?

NP4 support is in the alpha channel release. Make sure you’re on Alpha and not the stable, and update. Should be good to go.