Highlights for selected carrier

I sometimes find it difficult to identify which carrier I have selected if I select them from the galaxy/carriers tab. The current flight path is highlighted, but if it’s overlapping another one or is looped it can be tough to pick out on a busy screen. Could it be a different colour or something instead?

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on the Galaxy screen / carriers tab, each carrier has a name and a ship count. Between the carrier name and the ship count is an eye-ball hyperlink that will highlight that carrier with a white dotted ring, with its white dotted flight route.

I do not know whether my answer is helpful ?

Maybe Jay could create a white dotted ring around that carrier that is different looking than a planet resource ring ? Maybe a pentagon ? can a pentagon spin ? or the pentagon could have slow blinking size oscillations ?

What if the flight path showed little triangles or arrows or uses a slow animated marching ants line ?

Thanks, but I’m well aware of that link and I use it. It just gets really tough to pick it out on a a busy screen with 30 carriers on it at the end of a game.