Multiple accounts

What can be/is done in games where there is a high probability of a single person creating multiple accts?

Get everyone else to team up and take them down, or else concede and join a new game.

unfortunately, neither solution does much to penalize the offender. In other games the offender is usually banned for a specific time period. Subsequent infractions can lead to a permanent ban

using multiple account to cheat is against the tos, you can report it to jay via email and i think he’ll ban the cheater

It’s just difficult to prove… what’s the observable difference between coordinating effectively and using two accounts? Hard to prove anything really…

I don’t use IP address to try identify because many people play from the same house or office. There are no reliable ways to do this.

If multi account cheaters really bother you, just set up a private game and only allow people you know or can verify.

The only time I will ban a multi account cheater is if they brag about it publicly in the chats. (Happens more often than you think)


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