Renown & Badges

Emails sent, now give the badges! :smiley:

I have received another badge. Unfortunately, the email notification still isn’t working, so I have no idea who spent money on me. Thank you to whomever sent me pizza!

Hey Brian, I’ll have a look at that email code again today and see whats up with it.

update: found the bug, in my test code I was using “gift_notification” but in the production code I was just using “gift”.

Thanks for letting me know.


It would be nice to get more than one badge of the same kind, and have this quantity shown in a small number below the bagde. Bet some people would battle to see who has more Cheese!

That should already be the case!

Could we have a design badge, for someone who has created a really interesting map/game parameters?


I second that comment - folks who contribute to the community with cool map designs (Brian & eDave come to mind) should be rewarded/recognized for their efforts.

Did Qwerty ever get his Wizard badge for his script work - am hoping some of that functionality can be incorporated into the game itself.

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Hmmmm, only now I saw that in the Achievements section. But it should be visible on the Badges section of the match menu. Just a little number below the badge that has more than one. The way it is now, I can’t see how many badges of one kind another player gained.