
Does it really give you a % score if you lose but still have an army? I can’t reproduce this; I got a “n days” score when I abandoned my towns, but then it wouldn’t have been my highest score anyway.

In a truly unwinnable scenario, the ranking is done as you say, by the maximum length of time you survived. But this week’s tournament map is indeed winnable, and the scores (at least the ones I’ve gotten) have all been the number of survivors in a victory, not a loss.

I did not win on my attempt, but i had troops still alive at the end and it gave me a percent left instead of time survived as my high score. I also am not trying to say its unwinnable, but I think its weird that the score is purely based on how many troops survive at the end and not whether or not you win the scenario.

Wow! There is no way that’s the intended behavior; I bet something in the Tournament scoring code is checking whether the living population is nonzero instead of whether the game is in a loss state. I still can’t reproduce it, because I haven’t been able to beat my previous score, but I’ll definitely link this in the bug report thread to make sure the devs see it.

I think the correct behaviour should be that if you lose your last settlement your surviving soldiers dont count towards anything and you get a 0.

Thanks for the heads up Gears!

You can now see the results of past Tournaments. There are arrows at the top of the Tournament screen to scroll through previous Tournaments.

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What happens when there’s a tie? There’s one now for third place. Would both players get the reward?

The scores are sorted by the number of living souls, then the speed at which you killed the zombies.

We dont show speed in the leaderboard, but they should be sorted correctly.