Trade and Discard Cards

You can make your own Mulligan. For 7 Valour you can discard all 7 starting cards and draw 7 more! Or less if you like.

A mulligan generally means you get to reshuffle your hand back into your deck, with more limited decks discarding most or part of your hand at the cost of valor (especially early game) seems like a generally bad idea.

The larger starting hand is good… but I’d rather see a mulligan option that’s

“reshuffle your hand back into your deck and draw 7 cards - the number of mulligans you’ve taken.”

That way instead of having to give up almost half my valor, which I’ll need to play cards and get settlements anyway, all I’m giving up is 1 card from my starting hand.

Or how about just start with 25 valor, it would help the early game without impacting the late game much…

I’m sorry to say guys, I think we might need to change this again.

We didn’t realise at the time, but what we have now allows users to spend Hero Coins to acquire a new card, which can then be discarded for Valour, and I dont think I want players to feel pressured into buy new cards just so they can be discarded for valour.

I want this to be the last change we make in this area, so I want to think about it some more, but I think we’ll go back to

  • Auto Redraw up to X
  • Pay 1 (or 2) to discard and draw again
  • Pay 1 (or 2) to trade
  • Pay 2 to draw above the auto redraw
  • Pay 2 Hero Coins for new card and draw it.

Ultimately, I think I just liked the Auto Redraw more than what we have now anyway.

Yeah, I honestly don’t think it’s very fair to be able to draw cards with hero coins while inside the game…


With regards to Hero coin cards, i think they should be unable to discard/trade.
I had not thought of using them to generate valour but it sound like a bad plan.
With regards to drawing cards, i would keep the 2 valour cost to draw but change the discard to 1 valour and make it a redraw(while discarding card)
Of course bringing back the auto renew solves this as well.
Also would like there to be a mulligan reshuffle option to start.

I’ve always wondered why you were allowed to do that… it’s the only “pay to win” feature in the game. I avoid doing it these days simply because it feels like cheating.

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I’m in favour of bringing back auto-redraw. Game flows better with it, in my opinion.

I like this proposal and while I hear the complaints of others about “paying to win” with Hero Coins, as long as the game isn’t changed in some way to strongly incent users to buy them in order to even compete, like so many mobile games with their damn in-app purchases, I don’t have a problem with it. In fact, I see it a way of “tipping” our hosts, Iron Helmet.


Auto redraw is back! You will start with 5 cards and redraw back up to 5. You can Discard for 1 Valour, Trade for 2 Valour, and Draw an additional card for 2 Valour.