Xjhdexter Memorial 1v1 Tournament [XJHD 04/2023]

Sorry I other than this tournament I’ve stopped playing NP2. Haven’t checked the forums in 10 days… Remembered to check today so I’ll join

I conceded to @plug today. They were ahead although plenty of game left still, but IRL is kicking my ass and I’m sad to say I couldn’t commit to regularly submitting turns and the game was causing more stress than joy.

GL in the tournament to plug

Thanks for the game @Kaine - it was an open map, but I probably did get the edge in the initial rush for stars. Hope RL doesn’t get too heavy - see you around no doubt.

As HULK and Satirael took 30 days for their game, the half-round countdown is about to start.

Current standings:
@Macomber 61 - 76 @Solfyre
@Lex 60 - 69 @spymort

Try to finish your games by July 16, the semi-finals will start afterwards :wink:

That star count doesn’t tell the whole story.
It’s a very intense close game…

Yes - I noticed your ship count and ship production are higher @Lex - looks like an epic encounter…

I have accepted victory in my game with @spymort .

Very different strategies. My lead in Research and Industry was able so overcome his early star and Econ lead with an aggressive assault

Congratulations @Lex - looks like your match against @spymort was definitely an epic. Now we can wait for the word from @Trucriot before plunging in on the next round.

Looking forward to it @plug !

I have just conceded to @Solfyre, who dissected my battle lines like a master surgeon. Well played and good luck to you and @HULK in the next round.

Meanwhile, @limemaster and I are still battling it out at tick 348. Although I’ve had an advantage in stars for some time now, he’s been closing the gap with some invasions and taking a big lead in economy too, so it is far from over.

LOL @Macomber on “Master Surgeon” @Solfyre - that would be an appropriate badge for him! :wink:

I’m taking extra doses of Gamma Rays (and planning to get REALLY angry!) to give me a chance against him … and wrapping my head in lead as he seems to be able to read minds with his predictive capability.

I’m ready to (hopefully) SMASH when he is ready @Trucriot - generate a good map for us.

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yes for at least a while will be my last NP2 game. Checking NP2 every day for the last couple years started to feel like a real chore and I wasn’t looking forward to it whenever I had to make a move. So hopefully if I ever play the game again, I’ll be able to enjoy the game again. coz the game is great, and I’ve had many fun memories from playing NP2

My gameplay was all messed up from the first couple turns when I forgot to check if my science purchase went through before I submitted. And from then I … got a few stars but ran out of ships to defend them thanks to a weapons deficit.

Thanks @Macomber and @HULK for the kind words! Now I just have to live up to the titles “master surgeon” and “mind reader”… AGAIN. Sometimes the hardest part is keeping the intensity and focus up and not falling into the trap of " I’m so good, I can just breeze through and rely on my previous record."

I’d love to see if there is a correlation between record vs time spent. What if i just stare at the screen twice as long as most?

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Sorry to hear it @spymort , should definitely not feel like a chore! Hope to see you back here in a few months envigorated :slight_smile:

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Congrats to the winners! The maps are now ready for the top seeds to duke it out in the semis:
@Solfyre vs @HULK
@plug vs @Lex

Haha, I had similar thoughts back when I was still active. Maybe obsessive overthinking is the recipe to success in 1v1s :laughing:

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@Solfyre - today and Tuesday are pretty busy … so I might not join until Wednesday. Should be able to submit fairly quick after that. Which will give you extra time to analyze the map … maybe that doesn’t help my cause! :wink:

@Trucriot - Great map generation as Holy Crap is that dense - no big holes with the majority of stars between us rather than on the other side … and just about everything is level1 jump. I don’t remember ever seeing a map like this when I was generating them for 1v1’s … so I wonder how this will play out.

Regardless, it’s going to be carnage from the get-go!!!

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@plug our map looks fun also! Ready when you are.

Thanks @Lex - I have a busy next 18h, but will join and submit opening orders as quickly as I can.

LOL @Lex (and @plug) that on your map, it kinda looks like “arrows” facing each other from the bottom right and top left. I can easily see this map ending up “diagonal” and almost vertical.

You have some gaps in the middle that require level 3 jumps (which seems to happen often) … whereas we have numerous stars in the center, so it’s Level 1 Jumps from core-to-core in almost a straight line. An early prediction that somebody is going to lose their homestar - maybe both of us as @Solfyre said happened in a previous game.

So maybe I’ll just try a HULK SMASH approach out of the gate and just send everything at his Core! :wink:

I just joined the game @Solfyre - further motivates me to make the opening moves and get it going.

Here’s a starting screenshot of @Solfyre vs. @HULK and @Lex vs. @plug - click to make big!

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