Blight Beta: Known Issues and Bugs

Your settlements will show a deployment ETA on settlement details screen. Your game’s rules will have changed when we rolled out the update. I’ll check out the Kahuna and see if it’s causing problems.

Blighted settlements still show the blue Deployment indicator and the Deployment ETA if they were up when the settlement was blighted. Not sure yet if they’ll go away when the timer runs out; I’ll update this post in a few hours when I find out.

Thanks, It would be good practice if I clear this when they get blighted.

They also stick around if you empty the settlement, but I think that’s actually correct behavior, since settlements can be repopulated with the Spider Rider.

The Home Page News needs updating; currently it says the new deployment rules aren’t live yet.

Just had another experience with vanishing units: my Tangle Mage in this game disappeared while walking between towns.

I’ve noticed a couple of times now that I’ll use an ability, and before the cooldown is over I’ll be able to use it again. It happened once with a little wizard and again with a eldermage.
I’m not really complaining, and I really can’t tell you how to reproduce the issue. It’s just something I’ve noticed.

Had another vanishing unit in the same game: this time about 90 Trollish Spears, who were my only defense at a settlement…

EDIT: I found them stacked under the Bridge Witch, on their way to Buckshollow somehow. I guess they somehow teleported to Foolsswamp and then tried to run back to where they were supposed to be sitting…??

Oh thats interesting and might help me sort this one out. Is it possible that something similar happened with the other unit earlier?

Nope; that guy is just gone forever. He doesn’t show up in my Armies list at all (that’s how I found the other stack). I also searched my combat logs in case he teleported someplace and then ran into Zombies on his way home, but there’s no sign of that happening.

Was the other unit that was lost “merged” with another army. I see this troll is a couple of units merged together.

No, the other lost unit was a lone Tangle Mage, not merged with anything (obviously) and not in a group with any other units.

I’ve spent a few hours look at the movement code but cant see anything strange there.

The only other thing I can think of is that the tangle mage was killed by a ranged attack when she should not have been. Do you know if anybody was firing off Storm Firas or any of the powers that damage both living and zombies?

Its also possible they got pulled into a melee that they should not have. It not easy for me to look through the combat logs, if you get a chance could you have a quick look and see if the mage was in some combat around that time that they should not have been.

I don’t think there was any combat nearby, he was kind of in a no man’s land. It’s possible that there was a marsh warden that got used though, that’s a good thought. I’ll check the logs and get back to you tonight.

Was it walking to Thugsyou. I was just looking through the logs on Blighted Peas machine and something died on the way to Thugsyou in a marsh sting.

Maybe not even a bug…

… but I gained control of a random wild dragon after he flew over my settlement. He had run due to a fear caused by a Nightmare Lord.

Once he hit my settlement I guess he decided to join up?

Is that supposed to happen?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m stoked, but seems not right…

Yep, thats how they work at the moment.

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It was the Marsh Sting indeed! It was on its way out of Princesyou, which feels like it’s more than four leagues away but I guess the distance calculation is more like euclidean distance than walking distance.

Okay. I guess I’ll just go crush that lord then. :smile:

I’ve been getting a lot of “Aw Snap” errors in Chrome on Windows for the last two or three days. Usually it’s when initially loading a game, but I haven’t come up with any obvious reproduction strategy.

I have a question/request (I don’t think this is really a bug, but maybe it is): why can’t you merge followers?

What I mean is, if I have a Mighty General leading 50 Swordsmen, and I make 50 more Swordsmen, I can’t merge the new ones with the existing ones (which I often want to do, since the existing ones may have combat experience) unless I drop everyone out of the army first. Strangely, if the unit I want to merge is leading the army, they can merge just fine. I don’t understand the logic here, and it would just be really nice if I didn’t have to temporarily disband my army every time I drop a new unit on my Standards.

Incidentally, is this thread the right place for feature requests? Should there be a separate thread for that?

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