NP2STATS still alive

Front end is also the part that I am the worst at! I feel your pain. The only way I’ve ever made anything look good is because bootstrap + datatables feels like cheating :wink:

Hi I was just curious, what do the teams do and mean for a game. Like is it just for looks or does it hold some purpose in the game?

So from what I can see in this thread there is no API for NP2STATS? It would be really cool if I could import historic data from your server to my NPTimelapse tool.

@Dysp your SSL certificate has expired and people are complaining about browser warnings.

The teams in my tool’s old version allow you to see combined statistics of selected players. For example in 8 player game you can allocate all players to 3 teams (that you think are teaming up) and see how much production etc each team has.

Sorry, there is currently no API in my tool. Would be doable, but can’t promise anything.

Thanks for letting me know! The certificate has really gone old and will take at least tomorrow or more to get it updated. The site is still secure and good to use, if you choose to ignore the warnings. The tournament autoupdater is also broken until I get the certificate renewed.

@Dysp Hey,

I am responsible for a plugin for NP. I use your website, is there any chance you could share with me a repository so I could collaborate with you on github?

I see that it is php… Is there any chance you are interested in learning a new language? I can assist quite a bit with this program, I am currently maintaining Stoned Ape Tools.