Xjhdexter Memorial 1v1 Tournament [XJHD 04/2022]

I don’t think there’s a map for us yet, and might be best if we wait for the others! Likewise - looking forward to our game.

Ok, @plug I will try to contain my excitement while waiting.
Wish there was a spectator mode :wink:

Definitely a huge ask to play the HULK on such a map, but I’m sure you took away some good lessons. If I recall correctly, Solfyre also got “initiated” by HULK in some friendly 1v1s, and look where he is now in the world rankings :wink:


I’m gonna provide the map links for the new round when we start the two week countdown for the remaining games - just one more game conclusion to go for that to happen!

Agree, overlapping scan ranges visible only and we’d be good to go for some great shows of top level play.

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I’ve won my game with @Chumbles . It sounds like he somehow accidentally hit the “quit” button… At the time I had a pretty sizeable star lead so he was content for the outcome to just stand. Thanks for the game @Chumbles !

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Solfyre was playing so much better than I ; tbh TB isn’t my bag and boy, didn’t it show.


To be fair, you pretty much got the hardest opponent there is for your first 1v1. I wouldn’t place too much emphasis on this rookie game in your self-assessment: Nobody ever won their first ranked game against @Solfyre.

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Thank you, my bruised ego appreciates it!

Ditto @Chumbles what @Trucriot said as playing against @Solfyre is a brutal intro to 1v1.

Both of them play a level above everyone else (look at their 1v1 records!) and seem to have “Wonder Twin Powers” in their ability to make the right moves! :wink:

Thanks HULK! I’m gonna go with @Solfyre being Jayna then :stuck_out_tongue:

Animal powers?!? I’ll take it!

Thanks for all the compliments, guys… Feeling real good over here. :joy:

That’s what I thought haha. It’s kind of fitting because you’re a beast on the battlefield while my playstyle is more akin to a glacier with the occasional blizzard (Zan’s water powers) :laughing:


So the fourth game ending also triggered the two week countdown for the next round. The deadline for the remaining games is June 6.

62-58 @BelSon vs @limemaster
66-60 @Kaine vs @DarkDragonwing
58-57 @Macomber vs @spymort

I already added the maps for the quarter-finals in the tournament tool.

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My game against @limemaster just finished, with a win to me. I played overall more defensively, apart from the start where I pushed hard for the centre (and won it!) and when I had a weapon level lead. The game lasted 312 ticks, and had a fairly even star count up to tick 250, where I started snowballing a lead.

Congrats, that was a tight match-up. Funnily enough I checked the standings yesterday when limemaster was 1 star ahead of you, but looking at the stats and the map felt you had the edge.

As for the two games still going, who will move on to the next round will be announced tomorrow as the deadline is today.

Yeah, it was close for quite a while and limemaster got hyperspace range a full cycle or more before me, giving them access to 3 or so stars that I couldn’t yet get. And then I got to this morning and thought I’d better dedicate some time to pushing back that gap before you determined the winner :smiley:

Edit: Went through at least 10 turns today, from around tick 240 to tick 312.

@Trucriot when will you call the match between @Macomber and myself?

Hey spymort - you have a clear lead on me, so I will concede to you now. Unfortunately not my strongest game due to IRL distractions. I’ll be taking a break from the 1v1 scene for a while to make sure that when I return, I can do a better job of submitting moves regularly!

But regardless of all that, spymort played a strong game - lots of good attacking moves that kept me on the defensive alongside good efforts staying ahead in economy. I had fun going for a weapons lead which paid off for about a day and then counted for naught. Well played.

Well played both. Hope to see you back soon @Macomber!

That leaves us with Game 4. After 180 ticks, @DarkDragonwing has a slight lead over @Kaine in stars (67-65), ships (1476-1169) and infrastructure. Map-wise the game still looks intense, but as the deadline has passed now, DarkDragonwing is declared the (tight) winner of the match.

I’ll post the quarter-finals and more information soon, but as mentioned before the map links are already available in the tournament tool. Some of you already joined, feel free to kick off your games.

The game was fun. Shame you weren’t able to give sufficient attention to the game, but RL comes first! :wink:
Thanks for the game, hope you’re able to come back soon :slight_smile:

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I don‘t think this game should have a winner in terms of the 1v1 World Rankings. It‘s too tight yet and each of the players can still win the game.