1v1 Legendary Level League [LLL 03/2023]



I’m in

Sign me up!

Sign-ups are closed - I’m trying to set up the maps just now but the tool is giving me trouble, so may take me a bit longer.

In any case, while this round is smaller in terms of participants, the poll results are quite surprising to me: We will see 24 tick jumps for the first time ever in ranked 1v1, bringing the mind games to a whole different level. Will offense be the best defense? :wink: Let’s find out.

Here are the 6 match-ups based on my calculations (countries and Top28 world ranks shown in brackets):

  1. @plug [GB-2] vs. @Solfyre [US-1]
  2. @BelSon [AU-10] vs. @Lex [CA-5]
  3. @spymort [AU-8] vs. @Satirael [DK-6]
  4. @Macomber [CA-23] vs. @Skilly146 [US-19]
  5. @Gissni [26] vs. @AStonedApe [CCA]
  6. @FredGarvin [US] vs. @Sweeps [NL]

Use the according map link I provided for your game in @Dysp’s tournament tracking tool - press the hyperlink symbol to the right of the names:

Password is 1v1 - please join your game with your forum username by April 3 and post in the forum if you win to be considered in the world rankings.

The special settings for this round as determined by the poll in the OP are 24 Tick Jumps and 10 Starting Ships. Don’t forget to plan 24 ticks ahead before submitting! :wink: I find the map generations for this round are absolutely sick in the best sense - hope you’ll have some legendary battles on them.

I’m excited for yet another match! It’s really fun playing in these, thanks for organizing them. And now 24h jumps! :open_mouth: Playing with that in a 1v1 sounds crazy, it’s going to be a fight I’ll remember for a while I think, no matter how it turns out.

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Thanks for organising again :slight_smile:

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Wowza! Who the heck wanted 24hr ticks? This could make for pure chaos. 12hr ticks would have been interesting. Strategy for this will be all new. Well, lets give it a try!

@Gissni Good luck mate!

Indeed, 24 ticks probably feels exponentially more than 12 due to the radius increase to consider. Can’t wait to hear how all of you find the experience with this setting. At least it should make stalemates and slow games massively more unlikely haha.

It feels like being in a boxing match with blindfolds on. :sweat_smile:

Sounds like an apt description! Probably a crazy start into ranked 1v1s for you - you guys are going fast in your game, 216 ticks in just a few days :smiley:

Use the force

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Congrats @FredGarvin.

Took some wild swings at the end, but it turns out that I am not force sensitive.

crazy game with big jumps
sweeps almost got me

@Skilly146 has forfeited our game. We had a really fun initial couple rounds figuring out how these new settings affected gameplay. I raced to an advantage in stars in part thanks to leaving a few strategic carriers around to block his early exploration when we were both working with the 10 ships at our disposal. However, I only had a minimal advantage and he could have easily fought back to parity as more of his ships arrived at the frontline. The uncertainty imposed by the 24h setting made trying to defend my lines an interesting challenge in guesswork! Unfortunately, he then missed two turns in a row, and told me today told me that due to real life factors, he isn’t able to put in enough time to keep playing. GG Skilly and I look forward to a rematch another time!

I have found victory in my match against @Belson in tick 216!

I thought the 24 hour turns were really interesting and would love to play more if it.

Well played @Lex! Lex managed to take me down quickly and efficiently, and I had very little chance to recover.

I didn’t particularly like the 24 tick jumps. I remember in the early days of the LLL (or was it still in Hulk’s tournaments?) we reduced the jumps from 8 ticks down to 6 ticks to allow finer control of the galaxy without it being a make-a-move-every-tick micro-managing game. I think 24 tick jumps went too far in the opposite direction, and while there is still a lot of opportunity for strategic thinking and predicting opponent’s moves, I wouldn’t want to see this change return in the LLL setting.

I think with 24 tick jumps it becomes a game of who can out-fox the opponent at levels so high that it almost becomes random and you can do whatever you want that isn’t blatantly obvious and get away with it