Ranked 2v2 games Edition 1 Thread

With Limemaster stepping in for MalcolmReynolds, all three games have started and are well underway. Game 1 is 48 ticks in, and neck-and-neck between the two teams, having corresponding players research the exact same technologies at the same time up until this point.

I have also updated the game post above with the replacement game two.

Sorry for being a no-show. I got super-busy IRL and neglected to check the forum for a long time.

That’s all good. RL comes first, hope everything has quietened down a little for you.

Our (Kwhwwymwn and I) two opponents have resigned (Gaz123 and Satirael) after a good game, how about we conclude it now?

One thing I didn’t foresee was how long these games would go. Although that should be expected, given it’s turn-based with four players and 48 hour deadlines…

I would be interested in your feedback. What about the map do you think worked? What didn’t work?

Next season I’m planning on making the games 3v3. That way we can have alternating players (unlike what we have now - partners side by side), encouraging more fighting and less sitting, which has been a problem in my game.

Personally, I really liked the concept, no diplomacy and it’s basically the same rules as 1v1, but you have to coordinate with your ally so I find it more fun than 1v1

With the symmetrical galaxy being cut in 4, we end up with a different star set than our ally and our direct opponent, which is more interesting than the 1v1 map where we both get the same stars.
But since we are next to our ally, we mainly fight only one opponent, as the border with the other opponent is only a few star on the center. The 3v3 should improve that by allowing real 2v1

The 48h deadline maybe long, but it’s useful to coordinate with your ally since we could have incompatible times and need to wait half a day or more for an answer.

can’t believe i’ve been playing this round for almost two months now. i really liked this map. even though i had less star than my team mate, the way the map was set up. my neighbouring enemy had more star than me, thus was stronger, but because of the map, i had a very good choke point so it negated their advantage. it was a very tough stalemate for a long time but i think its finally coming to a end

if this had reached the two month mark with no clear winner, i would have pull my sneaky move of surrendering my stars to my teammate to win

i think we need weapon unlock, would that help with the stalemate? because right now with 2v2, we are both researching the same tech, so that doesnt help change anything

I don’t think unlocking weapon would be a good idea, of course that would prevent stalemate, but that would turn the game in who get weapon first since having that advantage for a few turns would translate in a victory
But that’s assuming weapon still start at level 4, that advantage no longer exists at very high level of weapon, so there may be a level of weapon that’d gives a mild advantage, just enough to overcome a stalemate, but not enough to instantly turn a losing game into a winning one

Agreed, one player fighting two would make things interesting. Also I second keeping weapons locked.

I liked the cooperative aspects because the teams were prefixed and I didn’t have to factor in the constant possibility of betrayal.

I had fun.

Perhaps next time we try 3v3, as I believe that is a much better formate to have alternating teams than have teams next to eachother. We can see how that goes then try tweaking a few things from that.

@Solfyre and I have resigned from our 2v2 as @plug and @BelSon played an excellent game and gained an insurmountable edge over us. Well played to all involved!

Thanks @Macomber - it was a fun galaxy to play, and hats off to you and @Solfyre for some quality moves.

And with that, all three games have finished, just over three months from the creation of this thread, and just under three months from game creation. Our winners are:
Game 1: @plug + @BelSon d. @Solfyre + @Macomber
Game 2: @limemaster + @iippabella d. @Lex + @spymort
Game 3: @sarcophagus + @Kwhwwymwn d. @gaz123 + @Satirael

I think the biggest feedback I’ve received this round is that the 2v2 scenario can lead to stale-mate positions if the players aren’t careful. In order to try to avoid this, the next round of games will take the form of a 3v3 match, rather than a 2v2 match as we had this round.

If you had any other feedback, if you thought the settings were weighted towards the wrong thing, or you’d like to try or investigate other settings, then please let me know! This competition is still in its infancy, with plenty of room to grow.

Speaking of the next edition, I am planning to wait a few months before starting the next round of games, to give players who played this round a break. My current timeline is to open sign-ups for the next round mid-September, and close sign-ups and create games early October.

I look forward to seeing you all in the next round!


Hi Belson,

I am curious, in the map designer is there an option for 4-way symmetry? By this I mean 4 identical map quadrants?

Just a thought

If there is, the option isn’t available for map creators to use. Currently there is just a check-box to say whether the map should be mirrored or not. I don’t know if Jay has implemented that behind the scenes, but I personally don’t think so.

I’m down to participate in the next 2v2 or 3v3 tourney.

I’d like to participate in the next team tournament too, but idk when it’ll happen

Sign-ups are open to the next edition! The next round of this competition will begin in October, so please head over to 3v3 Team Tower Tournament Edition 2! and sign up there!